Sha’ul (aka, Paul) was trained under Gamliel (Grandson of Hillel the Elder) as a Hillel-Pharisee but apparently moved into alignment with the more extreme Shammai-Pharisees. He also became a Zealot working as a ‘hitman’ for the High Priest to persecute and arrest the disciples of Yeshúa the Netsar, the Netsarim.
Yeshúa or Y’Shúa appeared to Sha’ul on the Damascus Road and then appeared to Ananias, who supplied confirmation of his embrace of Y’Shúa and then vouched for by Barnabas to the Apostles. He then trained as an Essene for three years in Tarsus and northern Arabia–likely in the area of Petra. He became an Apostle of Y’Shúa and his Gospel, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve (the original Gospel of Mashiakh).
They were all anticipating the “great tribulation” as foretold by Y’Shúa (GHT 61; Mt 24). This was an impending crisis wherein the negative sanctions (“the curse of the Law”) were to soon come to the Land of Israel, which in the 1st century was called Judea-Samaria-Galilee. The crescendo and apex of approaching doom was approaching Judea, Jerusalem, and the Temple. (Lev. 26; Deut. 28) In the wake of this approaching destruction and devastation, Sha’ul wrote:
18 What is my reward then that I proclaim the Gospel? That I may proclaim The Gospel of Mashiakh free of charge, so as not to abuse my authority in the Gospel. 19 For though I am free from all men [their sectarian philosophies], yet I have made myself a servant unto all [of them], that I might gain the multitudes. 20 And unto the [Establishment] Jews [under the Jerusalem-Judean Temple-Synagogue Network], I became like a Jew [in their eyes, like one of their own], that I might gain the [Establishment] Jews—that is, to those [Jews] that are under [the impending negative sanctions of] the Law, [I followed and used their version of the Law in arguments] as if under the Law, that I might gain those that are under [the curse of] the Law [with its impending destruction];
21 To those [accused as being] “Lawless” [by the Establishment Jerusalem-Judeans, I became in their eyes] as if Lawless, not as one without the Law of Elohim but as one abiding within the Law of the Mashiakh, so that I might gain those that are outside the Law [of Mashiakh]. 22 To “the weak” [those accused of being weak or feeble minded] I became as weak, that I might gain “the weak”: I am [by accusations] made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 23 And this I do for the sake of the Gospel that I might be a partaker thereof with you.
1 Corinthians 9:18-23
Sha’ul/Paul refers to The Original Gospel Narrative that proclaims the Law of Mashiakh–not the truncated version that we have had for centuries. It reveals more fully the New Covenant promised by the prophets: the Law of Messiah; hidden away for centuries, recovered, then publicly unveiled in the late 1800’s!!!
Its Beginning and Ending
Here begins the Gospel of the Perfect Life of the Yeshu Marya, the Mashiakh,
the offspring of Dawíd through Yoséph and Miriám after the flesh,
and the son of Elohím, through godly love and wisdom, after the Spirit.
At the end of 96 chapters [1]In comparison, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John have 89 Chapters; if we add the 28 Chapters of the Book of Acts, we have 117 Chapters. it reads: GHT 96:27 For them that believe[2][To believe is not a simple mental acknowledgement. Rather, it describes someone who spiritually perceives, embraces, and faithfully obeys, will experience and thus know. these things are true.[3]“(1.a) These are the secret sayings [heavenly mysteries {razim}] which the living Yeshúa revealed and which Didymos [the Twin], Judas Thomas wrote down. (1.b) And he said, “Whoever finds … Continue reading For them that believe not, they are as an idle tale. But to those with perceiving minds and hearts, regarding the spirit rather than the letter which kills, they are spiritual truths. 28 For the things that are written are true, not because they are written, but rather they are written because they are true, and these are written that ye may believe with your hearts and proclaim with your mouths to the salvation-Liberation of many. Amein.
Here ends the Holy Gospel of the Perfect Life of the Master, Y’Shúa, the Mashíakh,
the Son of Dawíd after the Flesh, the Son of Elohíym after the Spirit.
Glory be to Elohíym by Whose power and help it has been written.
The Summary of The Gospel of Y‘Shúa
From a familiar, but edited passage in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and alluded to in 2 Peter 1:16; 17; 18
GHT 46:1 AFTER SIX DAYS, when the Festival of Sukkόth (Tabernacles) was at hand, Y’Shúa took the Twelve and brought them apart up into a high mountain, and as he was praying the fashion of his countenance was changed, and he was transfigured before them, and his face did shine as the sun, and his garment was white as the light.[4]Compare with Mark 9; Luke 9; Matthew 17; 2 Peter 1:18
2 And, behold, there appeared to them Moshéh and Eliyáhu talking with him and spoke of the Torah-Law, and of his decease which he should accomplish at Yerushalem.
3 And Moshéh spoke, saying, “This is he of whom I foretold, saying, ‘A prophet from the midst of your brethren like me, shall Yahweh send to you’, and that which Yahweh speaks to him, shall he speak to you, and to him shall ye hearken, and whosoever will not obey shall bring upon themselves their own destruction.
4 Then Kephá said unto Y’Shúa, “Rabban, it is good for us to be here; if you desire let us make here three Sukkáth [Huts]; one for you, and one for Moshéh, and one for Eliyáhu.”
5 While he yet spoke, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them, and twelve rays as of the sun issued from behind the cloud, and a voice came out of the cloud, which said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.”
6 And when the Talmidím heard it, they fell on their faces and were much amazed, and Y’Shúa came and touched them and said, “Arise and be not afraid.” And when they had lifted their eyes, they saw no man, save Y’Shúa only. And the six glories were seen upon him.
7 AND Y’Shúa said to them, “Behold a new Torah-Law I give to you, which is not new but ancient.[5]This is “the perfect Law of Liberty” described by his brother, in James 1:21; 22; 23; 24; 25, that was passed down from the Essenes and perfectly embodied by Y’Shúa. Even as Moshéh gave the Ten Words to Yisraél after the flesh, so also, I give to you, the Twelve Words, for the Kingdom of Yisraél after the spirit.
8 For, who is the Yisraél of Elohim? Even they of every nation and tribe who work righteousness, love mercy, and keep my commandments–these are the true Yisraél of Elohim.” And standing upon his feet, Y’Shúa spoke, saying:
[6]vs. 10-21 re-numbered

23 And Y’Shúa said unto them, “My yoke is equal [equally balanced] and my burden light, if ye are willing to bear it, to you it will be easy. Lay no other burden on those that enter into the kingdom, but only these necessary things.
24 This is the New Torah-Law to the Yisraél of Elohim, and the Torah-Law is within, for it is the Torah-Law of Love, and it is not new but ancient. Take heed that ye add nothing to this Torah-Law, neither take anything from it. Truly I say to you, they who believe and obey this Torah-Law shall be saved-liberated [perfected], and they who know and obey it not, shall be lost.
25 But as in Adam all die, so in Mashíakh shall all be made alive. And the disobedient shall be purged through many fires; and they who persist shall descend and shall perish eternally.”
26 And as they came down from the mountain, Y’Shúa charged them, saying, “Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man is risen again from the dead.”
27 His Talmidím asked him, saying, “Why then do the Scribes say that Eliyáhu must first come? And Y’Shúa answered and said to them, “Eliyáhu truly shall first come and restore all things.”
28 But I say to you, that Eliyáhu is come already, and they knew him not, but have done to him whatsoever they desired. Likewise, shall also the Son of man suffer of them. Then the Talmidím understood that he spoke to them of Yoḥanán ha’Matvíl (John the Baptist).
The Foundation of the original NT Books[7]The Gospels were abbreviated, which is a normal thing that takes place with larger works. But, then they were selectively edited to promote a hybrid message.
GHT 25:8 Y’Shúa said, “Do not conclude that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets [who teach it]: I did not come to destroy—rather, to fulfill. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and the earth passes-away [[this signified the passing away of the Jerusalem Temple world in AD 70 not the literal heavens and the earth]], one letter or one marking will in no way pass from the Toráh or the Prophets until all [which is written] is fulfilled.”
8 But behold, one greater than Moshéh is here, and he will give you the Higher Law,
even the Perfect Torah-Law, and this Torah-Law shall you obey.
9 Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commandments [of mine] and teaches men to do so, will be called ‘least’ in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whoever does them and teaches them, he will be called ‘great’ in the Kingdom of Heaven.[8]“Least” does not mean, eternally damned or lost; Rather, least/great refers to the amount of experiential benefits and the impact that one makes.
10 Truly they who believe and obey shall liberate their souls, and they who do not obey shall remain ‘lost’.[9]To remain lost, as we learn in this Gospel, refers to the inability to exit the karmic consequences of our actions remaining on the continued wheel of reincarnations.
For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of [that proclaimed by] the Soferím and P’rushím,[10]Mt 23:1; 3. Among these Soferím/Scribes, were those, who in some way were derogatorily nicknamed, Herodians (Mk 3:6; 12:13; Mt 22:16). Y’Shúa, as a Nazir/Nazarite, a Nazarean … Continue reading you will by no means enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
↑1 | In comparison, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John have 89 Chapters; if we add the 28 Chapters of the Book of Acts, we have 117 Chapters. |
↑2 | [To believe is not a simple mental acknowledgement. Rather, it describes someone who spiritually perceives, embraces, and faithfully obeys, will experience and thus know. |
↑3 | “(1.a) These are the secret sayings [heavenly mysteries {razim}] which the living Yeshúa revealed and which Didymos [the Twin], Judas Thomas wrote down. (1.b) And he said, “Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death.” (2) Yeshúa said [explaining this], “Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds [reality], he will become troubled [over the deceit he has inherited]. When he becomes troubled [and puts reality into practice], he will be astonished [when he experiences it], and he will rule over the All.” The Gospel of Thomas; parenthesis’, brackets & braces mine” |
↑4 | Compare with Mark 9; Luke 9; Matthew 17; 2 Peter 1:18 |
↑5 | This is “the perfect Law of Liberty” described by his brother, in James 1:21; 22; 23; 24; 25, that was passed down from the Essenes and perfectly embodied by Y’Shúa. |
↑6 | vs. 10-21 re-numbered |
↑7 | The Gospels were abbreviated, which is a normal thing that takes place with larger works. But, then they were selectively edited to promote a hybrid message. |
↑8 | “Least” does not mean, eternally damned or lost; Rather, least/great refers to the amount of experiential benefits and the impact that one makes. |
↑9 | To remain lost, as we learn in this Gospel, refers to the inability to exit the karmic consequences of our actions remaining on the continued wheel of reincarnations. |
↑10 | Mt 23:1; 3. Among these Soferím/Scribes, were those, who in some way were derogatorily nicknamed, Herodians (Mk 3:6; 12:13; Mt 22:16). Y’Shúa, as a Nazir/Nazarite, a Nazarean Essene, broke from their extremist views and became a target for assassination. (Essene comes from Aramaic, Assaya‘in, meaning Healers or Therapeuts (See Revelation 22:2 …the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. (Aramaic: אסיֻותָא Asyutho; Greek: Therapeia). Philo also calls Essenes with an alternate title, “holy ones” or “saints” (Greek: Hagios; Hebrew: Qedoshím), the same as does the New Testament throughout (Acts 9:13). Others think Essene derives from the word Ḥasidim (pious, kind ones) or Osseans (doers of the Original Torah-Law). Indeed, all of these words describe them. See Josephus, “Wars…” 2.8.13 |