The Hebrews – Part Two

A Roman Catholic Bishop wrote in 375 A.D. that

“This sect of Netsarim [possess the Original Gospel written in Hebrew and] is to be found in Beroea near Coelesyria, in the Decapolis near Pella, and in Bashanitis at the place called . . . Khokhabe in Hebrew . . .[In his disgust, he says,] They are nothing but Jews [except for their fidelity to Y’Shúa haMashiakh. . .] [Likewise, the Ancient Essene Sect of the]“Nasaræans . . . are Jews by nationality, from Gileaditis, Bashanitis and the Transjordan as I have been told, but descendants of Israel himself.” There are only a handful of Nasaræans [left as such, for] . . . they have been united with the sect of the Ebionites [“the Poor” Mt 5:3, which is another name for the Netsarim, who also possess the Original Gospel written in Hebrew. They both reject animal sacrifices and flesh eating as part of a fraudulent revision of the Scriptures, and thus, they both read them with discernment].

Bishop Epiphanius, The Panarion (c. 375 AD)
A Nicene Bishop, on the outside trying to look in!

[Brackets are mine, inserted to reorder and simplify his extensive descriptions and narrowing in on the pertinent statements. We have used the Prophet Isaiah’s term, Netsar (Netsarim), instead of his Greek translation, Nazoraeans, which is also used for Nazarites. in the NT.]

Yahushua, as to his outer shell in the 1st Century, was the biological son of both Joseph and Miriam.[1]As to his inner being, his higher soul self, he was the Firstborn of Creation and the Prototype (Rom. 8:29; Col. 2:18; Heb. 12:23) and that among incarnations, he was the first “the son of … Continue reading Contrary to later Christianity, the Original Hebrew (Eberi) Gospel, “The Gospel of the Holy Twelve” (GHT) correctly reflects that both Joseph and Miriam were his parents:

GHT 2:6. Then Miriám [a virgin betrothed to Yoséph] said to the messenger [Gaḅriél], “How will this be seeing I know not a man?” And the messenger answered, and said to her, “The Ruách ha’Qodésh shall come upon Yoséph your Spouse,[2]They were lawfully betrothed, which was a lawful marriage, but they had not yet set up house together nor come together sexually, not until this inspiration came upon Joseph and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you, O Miriám, therefore also that consecrated one which shall be born of you shall be called the Mashíakh, the Child of Elohím,[3]at his Baptismal Consecration the dual-proclamation concerning his sonship, GHT 8:2, and again at the Transfiguration and his giving of the 12 Commandments, GHT 46:5, some of which was removed from … Continue reading and his name on earth shall be called “The Master YShúa”, for he shall deliver the people from their sins, whosoever that shall repent and obey his Toráh… 9. And in the same day, the messenger Gaḅriél appeared to Yoséph in a dream and said to him, “Greetings, Yoséph, you who are highly favoured, for the Fatherhood of Elohím is with you. Blessed are you among men and blessed is the fruit of your loins.”

Y’Shúa was a Galilean Israeli. Though born in Bethlehem in Judea, he was raised in Nazaretha Village of Nazarite Essenes – also called, Ebionites, near Mt. Carmel––one of their important centers, akin to the Qumran Community of the Dead Sea Scrolls fame — likely part of Bethabara. He was an Israelite descended from the Tribe of Judah and was a royal bodily descendent of King David. The prophet Isaiah (indeed various prophets) predicted his springing up like a twig from the stock of Jesse (the father of King David), like a Shoot (Netsar – a Guardian, from the verb, Natsar) out of his roots. He was greater than Moses, anointed and filled with the presence and power of God to inspire and propel the healing and restoration of Israel and the nations:

And the Spirit of The Eternal One shall rest upon him–a spirit of wisdom and comprehension, a spirit of counsel and might, a spirit of knowledge and the awe of The Eternal One. Isaiah 11:2

In his outreach to Israel, he made it clear as to who Isaiah the prophet was speaking of some 600 years prior. Y’Shúa quoted Isaiah 61 and said: “Today, this scripture is fulfilled in your ears.” Luke 4:14-30

The Spirit of The Eternal One is upon me because he has anointed me… Isaiah 61

He lived within the group known as, The Essenes. The name, Essene, derives from the Aramaic word, Asaya (Plural: Asaya’in). It was translated into Greek as, Therapeutae, from whence comes the English word, Therapists – as they were Healers/Therapists of the Divine Soul. They taught that all Souls are ‘Beings of Light’ [children of light] created by God, who is Love, Life, and Light. And, that this true Soul-Self incarnates or reincarnates, living many lives with the goal of maturity or perfection. Eventually, by overcoming all obstacles and maturing, by returning to the lifestyle of the ‘garden of Eden’ will be granted immortality and returned to ‘Eden’!

The Essenes (Asaya’in – healers) sought to live in peace and harmony with ALL. Thus, they were Vege-Fruitarians who rejected violence and aggression. They rejected, as abominations, the cruelty of animal butchery, the eating of their flesh and blood, and the practice of offering them as sacrifices to God. They, likely, rejected the genital mutilation called circumcision. They considered such things as distortions of The Everlasting Covenant imported from the alienated nations about them, and legitimized by priestly textual redactions–editorial updating, insertions, deletions, and rearrangements. Another perspective would say, that these things were added as a permission because of transgression and the hardness of their hearts — but from the beginning, it was not so permitted. This “added” until Ha’Mashiakh (the Messiah) should come.

In some cases, language is distorted by an overly literalistic application of its figurative language, which uses Allegory, Metaphor, and Symbolism; used for the training of Souls in how to overcome and elevate their base nature and to comprehend the nature of multi-dimensional reality itself. The true Edenic Torah/Teaching had been passed down from the beginning: from Adam to Enoch to Noah to Shem; then to Eber (the Ebers, or, Eberim–Hebrews). It was passed down from Melchizedekian-Ebers to Abraham (making him an Eberi [a Hebrew], to Isaac, Jacob/Israel and his sons, down to and from Moses and Joshua and the Elders (Joshua 24:31), but either the records were distorted or the understanding of them were distorted by later generations of priests.

The first century Jewish Teacher, Philo of Alexandria, said that the Essenes had special interpretive rules and were also called, Saints. A few decades later, the Jewish Priest and Historian, Josephus, said that there were in Israel four main philosophies, the Essenes being one of them.[4]Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots. There were also the Samaritans, whom he purposely left out of the list! Eusebius, “Eus. H. E. 4.22.5, quoting Hegesippus, also counts seven: Essenes, … Continue reading Josephus and Philo both praised the Essenes/Saints, so much so, that one would think that they remained secret Essenes. The word, Saint, stems from the Hebrew word, Qedoshím, and translates into Greek as, Hagios – Holy Consecrated Ones. They were consecrated to follow the Ancient Path, leading to the return of an earthly paradise as described in Isaiah chapter 11 and elsewhere. This was the original purpose for the nation of Israel – to be a holy and priestly nation, a source to live and teach The Everlasting Covenant again to all nations. Among the Samaritans, Judeans, Galileans, Herodians, etc., the Essene-Nasarean-Ebionites also claimed to be the guardians-keepers-preservers of that purpose and plan. [5]In contrast and comparison, for those familiar with the history, Y’Shúa the Essene would have been closer to the ideology of Hillel the Elder, who also opposed the Pharisee Party of Shammai … Continue reading

The Saints are Netsarim –
those guarding the commandments
of God, the Testimony and the Faithfulness
of Y’Shua – the Netsar.

Rev 12:17; 14:12

With the insight that these Essenes were also called the Saints, we can then intuit that these are the Saints of the New Testament. With this knowledge, then, we can translate Saints as: Netsarim-Essene-Saints. For instance, Sha’ul/Paul wrote to the Saints in various locations.

“To all those in Rome who are loved by God, called to be [Netsarim-Essene] Saints.”

And again, 

“to the [Netsarim-Essene] Saints in Ephesus”.

In the Book of Revelation, the writer describes the true Saints: 

“Here is the patient endurance of the [Netsarim-Essene] Saints,
those who keep (natsar) the commandments of God and the faith/fidelity of Y’Shúa.” Rev. 14:12

One of the historical details concerning the Essenes was that they wore white, especially on Sabbaths and Festivals! And the Book of Revelation, speaks symbolically of the Saints as the Bride of Y’Shúa the Groom,

“And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the [Netsarim-Essene] Saints.” 

Revelation 19:8

Y’Shúa attended an Assembly or Congregation, called in Greek, an Ekklesia or Synagogue, and much later was called, a Kirk which morphed into the word, Church. He was called a Moréh (a Master-Teacher) and, a Rabbi (my Rav – an Eminent Teacher-Guide) by the disciples that he gathered, organized, and commissioned.

They were described at various times: Nasareans-Nazareans-Essenes-Saints-Ebionites. We condense this under Isaiah’s term for them, Netsarim or Netzarim.[6]The Branch(es): See Netsar and its synonyms in Is. 11:1; 49:8; 53:2; 60:21; 4:2; Zech. 6:12; Is. 53:2; Jn 15:5. There has been confusion concerning the names, Netsarim and Nazarite. The Netsarim were Essenes and some of them were Nazarites. Nazarites are described in the scrolls of the Samaritans and Judeans Torah-Law as those who took a special vow of priestly-consecration who were not to cut their hair nor partake of any intoxicating drink nor anything made from grapes. The families of the prophet Samuel and Samson were Nazarites. [Num 6:1; 1Sam 1; Judges 13:5]. The particular Nazir vows, to not cut their hair, does not apply to all disciples. He gave 12 Ancient Commandments found in The Gospel of the Holy Twelve (GHT), Chapter 46 (which we will cover), and said,

“I am the Tree [the Vine; the Netsar]; Ye are the Branches (Netsarim). Whosoever abides in me and I in him, the same bears much fruit; for apart from me ye can do nothing…If ye abide in me, and my words abide in ye, ye shall ask what ye will, and it will be done to ye…Herein is my Parent glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so ye shall be my disciples. As the All-Parent has loved me, so have I loved ye—continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept the commandments of my Parent and abide in the spirit of love.

GHT 73:2-3, 7; John 15:5

History reveals that, just as there was a Jewish departure from this Original Path, so was there was a Christian departure from it after Y’Shúa restored it. There were Christians who were gradually redefining themselves and institutionalizing themselves in church counsels, promoting an edited and “hybrid” “Gospel”. And then, gaining military power as the new “king of the hill”, its leaders attempted to destroy the true heirs and to obscure the original path they walked. Three centuries after Y’Shúa began his ministry, this metamorphosis brought forth a new hybrid institution, which the Roman Emperor Constantine joined and helped to redefine. He also, along with his successors, enforced this “hybrid” upon the world with the sword of his armies. The Church of Rome proclaimed itself to be the heir of Y’Shúa’s teaching and commission, altering his rules and regulations, merging it with elements of Mithraism. They altered the Sacred Essene Calendar, changed the Sabbath Day from Saturday to Sunday, and turned from Vege-Fruitarianism to eating any animal they could kill. It claimed to have apostolic authority, but was in reality a hybrid replacement that sought the displacement and annihilation of the REAL Y’Shúa and his New Covenant Torah-Law found in The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, recently rediscovered! Things had radically changed!

However, when we discern further, we will find that this was not the first transformation of the Original Torah-Law Path. It had been passed down to and from Israel, the Levites, Moses and his successor, Joshua (Yahushúa/Y’Shúa). But, it was transformed during a later Aharonic priestly schism that arose over which place was the authoritative centralized place of worship. This is the source of of the story in John chapter four, between Northern Israel Samaritans & Southern Jerusalem Judeans. One redacted the earlier scriptures and the other further redacted their redaction. (A very complicated process to unravel, to say the least!!) But it likely took place sometime after King Solomon and continued up to the time of Isaiah and into the aftermath of the Assyrian, Babylonian, & Persian Captivities. The Netsarim-Essene-Saints, including John the Baptist, were survivors attempting to embody the directives and blessings of Isaiah 58, who were to 

raise up the foundations of many generations” and be called the “restorer of paths to dwell in”. Is. 58:12
And thus, it is written: “And a great company of priests were obedient to the [Netsarim-Essene] Faith.”

Acts 6:7

This conversion of priests in Acts significantly altered their Judean practices as well as their relationship with the Jerusalem-Judean Temple-Synagogue Government. The Herodian Jerusalem Temple was scheduled to be demolished within their generation, and was fulfilled in 70 AD, although it could have been averted with repentance and a return to TheWay. Nevertheless, this marked the beginning of a new age/era.

This Faith or Fidelity was received by Y’Shúa the Netsar-Essene-Saint, and refined, renewed, and transmitted to his disciples. He reached perfection in his life, was Consecrated, Born-again, and Anointed at his Baptism with the Word and Spirit of Elohim–in the fullest of measures. He spearheaded this restored “path” by means of a New Covenant.

This New Covenant was made with the obedient of “the House of Israel and the House of Judah” (Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8) — including the Essenes, the Samaritans, and the Judeans; And, through them, it was to be spread to all Nations. Yet, as he foretold, his teaching was perverted; But, it will be restored and succeed! Through him, all lawful matters were resolved, as in, “killing healing several birds with one stone touch!” The work and lawful framework was accomplished at that time and the potential has been waiting on us since then.

And so, how do we Return to that Path? This has been my life quest and is what this website is about. In short, we return one step at a time, one insight after another, walking in the truth as we comprehend it, and yet with humility reaching out for more, while walking more perfectly in love and wisdom, righteousness, peace, and joy! Our hope is that all religions, sects, and denominations will return to the Original Path of the Everlasting Covenant, which was lived and taught by Noah and the Hebrews, strayed from and then retaught among the nations since the beginning.

GHT 95:2. And Y’Shúa spoke to them, saying, “Behold, I have chosen you from among men, and have given you the Toráh and the Word of Truth. 3. I have set you as the light of the world, and as a city that cannot be hid. But the time comes when darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, and the enemies of truth and righteousness shall rule in my name, and set up a kingdom of this world, and oppress the peoples, and cause the enemy to blaspheme, putting for my doctrines the opinions of men, and teaching in my name that which I have not taught, and darkening much that I have taught by their traditions. 4. But be of good cheer, for the time will also come when the truth they have hidden shall be manifested, and the light shall shine, and the darkness shall pass away, and the true kingdom shall be established which shall be in the world, but not of it, and the Word of righteousness and love shall go forth from the Center, even the holy city of Mount Tzión, and the Mount which is in the land of Egypt shall be known as an altar of witness to The Eternal One.

The Hebrews – Part Three


1 As to his inner being, his higher soul self, he was the Firstborn of Creation and the Prototype (Rom. 8:29; Col. 2:18; Heb. 12:23) and that among incarnations, he was the first “the son of Adam”, which lends itself to Abel who was martyred and reincarnated as Seth; and then Melchizedek, and then possibly others like Joseph son of Jacob, Joshua son of Nun, King David son of Jesse, and Isaiah the Prophet.
2 They were lawfully betrothed, which was a lawful marriage, but they had not yet set up house together nor come together sexually, not until this inspiration came upon Joseph
3 at his Baptismal Consecration the dual-proclamation concerning his sonship, GHT 8:2, and again at the Transfiguration and his giving of the 12 Commandments, GHT 46:5, some of which was removed from the canonical gospels
4 Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots. There were also the Samaritans, whom he purposely left out of the list! Eusebius, “Eus. H. E. 4.22.5, quoting Hegesippus, also counts seven: Essenes, Galilæans, Hemerobaptists, Masbothæans, Samaritans, Sadducees, Pharisees.” [Panarion, Section I, Footnote 31]
5 In contrast and comparison, for those familiar with the history, Y’Shúa the Essene would have been closer to the ideology of Hillel the Elder, who also opposed the Pharisee Party of Shammai and the Zealots. Only by broadening the parameters of the Pharisee Party to include Essenes was Sha’ul/Paul still able to say that he was a Pharisee/Separatist in Philippians 3:5. It is also possible that Scribes altered this word from Essene to Pharisee. A true Separatist, separating oneself from the distortions of his own people. See, Jesus the Pharisee, by Rav, Harvey Falk.
6 The Branch(es): See Netsar and its synonyms in Is. 11:1; 49:8; 53:2; 60:21; 4:2; Zech. 6:12; Is. 53:2; Jn 15:5
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