The Hebrews – Part Two

A Roman Catholic Bishop wrote in 375 A.D. that

Epiphanius of Salamis wrote, The Panarion (c. 375 AD). He was a Bishop in the Roman Catholic Sect
A Nicene Bishop, on the outside trying to look in! Part of the doctrinally contaminated river that
split off from the Apostles and Prophets and has been flowing ever since! Eventually, we pray, the river will be cleansed!
[Brackets] are mine, inserted to reorder and simplify his various descriptions and narrowing in on the pertinent statements.

The Saints are Netsarim –
those guarding the commandments
of God, the Testimony and

the Faithfulness
of Y’Shua – the Netsar.

Rev 12:17; 14:12

The Hebrews – Part Three


1 As to his inner being, he was the firstborn son of God among all the sons of God birthed on the first day of creation within the words: “Let there be light!” (Job 38:7 ; Jub. 2 ; Jn 17:5 ; Rom. 8:29; Col. 2:18; Heb. 12:23). Among his own incarnations, one wonders concerning Enoch (who was identified as ‘the son of man’) and even more Melchizedek, and then possibly others like Joseph son of Jacob.
2 They were lawfully betrothed, which in Judaism was a lawful marriage, but they had not yet set up house together nor come together sexually, not until this inspiration came upon Joseph
3 at his Baptismal Consecration the dual-proclamation concerning his sonship, GHT 8:2, and again at the Transfiguration and his giving of the 12 Commandments, GHT 46:5, some of which was removed from the canonical gospels
4 Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots. There were also the Samaritans, whom he purposely left out of the list! Eusebius, “Eus. H. E. 4.22.5, quoting Hegesippus, also counts seven: Essenes, Galilæans, Hemerobaptists, Masbothæans, Samaritans, Sadducees, Pharisees.” [Panarion, Section I, Footnote 31]
5 In contrast and comparison, for those familiar with the history, Y’Shúa the Essene would have been closer to the ideology of Hillel the Elder, who also opposed the Pharisee Party of Shammai and the Zealots. Only by broadening the parameters of the Pharisee Party to include Essenes was Sha’ul/Paul still able to say that he was a Pharisee/Separatist in Philippians 3:5. It is also possible that Scribes altered this word from Essene to Pharisee. A true Separatist, separating oneself from the distortions of his own people. See, Jesus the Pharisee, by Rav, Harvey Falk.
6 The Branch(es): See Netsar and its synonyms in Is. 11:1; 49:8; 53:2; 60:21; 4:2; Zech. 6:12; Is. 53:2; Jn 15:5
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