The Hebrews

“Noah was a righteous man and perfect in his generations,
and Noah walked with Elohim.”

Should we not comprehend and move toward what is the “good, permissive, and perfect” will of Elohim?;
Not merely living in what is tolerated for a limited time?!
Romans 12:2

Yeshua the Netsar & Naziyr

In the first century A.D., the promised Netsar, arose. Y’Shúa (Yeshúa) was both The Netsar/Netzar of Isaiah 11:1 and a Naziyr aka Nazarite. The word “Netsar” was used as a metaphor for him in Isaiah 11:1. On the other hand, A “Naziyr” was one who took a special Vow of Consecration and was forbidden to cut their hair—like Samuel, Samson, and John the Baptist. Early Christian translations from Hebrew into Greek created confusion with the words, Netzar and Nazir, in regard to Y’Shúa. Matthew 2:23 in alluding to Samson obviously refer to him being a Nazir from a village of Nazirites, known as, Nazareth. “[F]or the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb to the day of his death.” Judges 13:7 But, he was a different kind of Nazir. He ate no flesh of animals and called his disciples to abstain from the same. A truly “fasted life”.

Y’Shúa was the Netsar (the twig or branch, sprouted from the lineage root of Jesse and King David). He was also a Nazirite, living in a small Essene (Assayin) village of Nazirites called, Nazareth/Nazireth, and thus, he was called, Y’Shúa of Nazireth. However, in Acts 24:6, though the same Greek word was used, a different spelling should have been used to refer to the Netsar and his “sect of the Netsarim.” (Netsar is singular; Netsarim is plural.) Later, the Greek word, Christianos, was substituted for the Hebrew word, Netsarim. [3]Using a grape vine metaphor would yield: “I am the Vine (Netsar) and ye are the Branches (the Netsarim).” John 15:5

Y’Shúa of Nazireth,[4]Hybridized to Jesus: From Hebrew to Greek & Latin to English: Yahwshúa to Yahshúa–Joshua–Yeshúa–Y’Shúa–Yeshu–Yesu–Jesus: meaning: Yahwéh gives … Continue reading a Nazirite Prophet from a village of Essenes and Nazirites (Amos 2:10; 11; 12), was anointed with authority and power by the Almighty (Elohím), to restore the Everlasting Covenant.[5]The words, Anoint & Anointed, come from the Hebrew words, Mashakh & Mashiakh. These were translated into Greek as, Chrism & Christos and transliterated as Messias. Anointing with oil, was … Continue reading And later by Miriam the Magdalene – Magdalena.

He stood up in the midst of various sects that had arisen since the split-up of the Kingdom into North & South after King Solomon (931 BCE), the invasions and captivities of Assyria (722 BCE) and Babylon (586 BCE), the returns, population shifts, and civil wars.[6]These invasions came after the separation of Northern Israel from Southern Israel. They are later known as Samaritans & Judaeans (John 4). In both invasions-captivities, most of the elite were … Continue reading These groups were attempting to survive the Roman Empire’s occupation and preserve, each their own versions of the Covenant.[7]The Everlasting Covenant was given to Adam and passed down to Noah and Abraham. It was augmented and individualized for the nation of Israel under Moses at Mount Horeb/Sinai. But the records were … Continue reading The problem, after another 2000 years, is to unravel and discern: What is the authentic version? — we have to be an eclectic to sort it out!!

Backing up to the 8th Century BC, in between the invasions and captivities of Israel by Assyria and Babylon, the prophet Isaiah (Yeshayahu) prophesied.[8]Yesha-Yahu and Yǝho-Shua are equivalent names, two words in reversed order of one another. The Gospel of Isaiah predicts what the original Gospel of Y’Shúa explicitly sets in motion–its fulfillment.

The earth also is polluted under its inhabitants, because they have reversed the Instructions, altered the Laws,
and broken the Everlasting Covenant [of the Eternal One]. Therefore the curse has devoured the earth,
and those who dwell therein are found guilty.” Isaiah 24:5, 6

To the left, the 12 Tribes in their Lands | To the right, following the split, 10 Tribes called, Israel in the North
& 2 Tribes called Judah in the South.
About 900 years later, the picture below reveals the Land of Israel in the 1st Century,
districted under the Roman-Herodian government.

(Note: These words of historical interpretation are not written to condemn multitudes of beautiful souls. All groups have inherited a mixture of truth and falsities from the past and hopefully we have done the best we could with the good that we received. But we must speak the truth in love and compassion, as best as we can ascertain it and make the necessary changes. Remember, “Love covers a multitude of sins.”)

A Roman Catholic Bishop wrote in 375 A.D. that

Bishop Epiphanius, The Panarion (c. 375 AD)
A Nicene Bishop, on the outside trying to look in!

[Brackets are mine, inserted to reorder and simplify his extensive descriptions and narrowing in on the pertinent statements. We have used the Prophet Isaiah’s term,
Netsar (Netsarim), instead of his Greek translation, Nazoraeans, which is also used for Nazarites. in the NT.]

The Hebrews – Part Two

  1. (Genesis 1:1 – 2:24 ; Jubilees 2:1 – 3:15) Jubilees 2:1 And the angel of the presence spoke to Moses according to the word of Yahwéh, saying: Write the complete history of the creation, how in six days the Lord Yahwéh finished all His works and all that He created, and kept Sabbath on the seventh day and hallowed it for all ages, and (2) appointed it as a sign for all His works.
    For on the first day He created the heavens which are above and the earth and the waters and all the spirits which serve before him -the angels of the presence, and the angels of sanctification, and the angels [of the spirit of fire and the angels] of the spirit of the winds, and the angels of the spirit of the clouds, and of darkness, and of snow and of hail and of hoar frost, and the angels of the voices and of the thunder and of the lightning, and the angels of the spirits of cold and of heat, and of winter and of spring and of autumn and of summer and of all the spirits of His creatures which are in the heavens and on the earth, (He created) the abysses and the darkness, eventide (and night), and the light, dawn and day, which He hath (3) prepared in the knowledge of His heart. And thereupon we saw His works, and praised Him, and lauded before Him on account of all His works; for seven great works did He create on the first day.
    (4) And on the second day He created the firmament in the midst of the waters, and the waters were divided on that day -half of them went up above and half of them went down below the firmament (that was) in the midst over the face of the whole earth. And this was the only work (God) created (5) on the second day.
    And on the third day He commanded the waters to pass from off the face of (6) the whole earth into one place, and the dry land to appear. And the waters did so as He commanded them, and they retired from off the face of the earth into one place outside of this firmament, (7) and the dry land appeared. And on that day He created for them all the seas according to their separate gathering-places, and all the rivers, and the gatherings of the waters in the mountains and on all the earth, and all the lakes, and all the dew of the earth, and the seed which is sown, and all sprouting things, and fruit-bearing trees, and trees of the wood, and the garden of Eden, in Eden (8) and all . These four great works God created on the third day.
    And on the fourth day He created the sun and the moon and the stars, and set them in the firmament of the heaven, to give light upon all the earth, and to rule over the day and the night, and divide the (9) light from the darkness. And God appointed the sun to be a great sign on the earth for days and (10) for sabbaths and for months and for feasts and for years and for sabbaths of years and for jubilees and for all seasons of the years. And it divides the light from the darkness [and] for prosperity, that all things may prosper which shoot and grow on the earth. These three kinds He made on the fourth day.
    And on the fifth day He created great sea monsters in the depths of the waters, for these were the first things of flesh that were created by His hands, the fish and everything that moves in the (12) waters, and everything that flies, the birds and all their kind. And the sun rose above them to prosper (them), and above everything that was on the earth, everything that shoots out of the earth, and all (13) fruit-bearing trees, and all flesh. These three kinds He created on the fifth day.
    And on the sixth day (14) He created all the animals of the earth, and all cattle, and everything that moves on the earth. And after all this He created man, a man and a woman created He them, and gave him dominion over all that is upon the earth, and in the seas, and over everything that flies, and over beasts and over cattle, and over everything that moves on the earth, and over the whole earth, and over all this He gave (15) him dominion. And these four kinds He created on the sixth day. And there were altogether (16) two and twenty kinds. And He finished all His work on the sixth day -all that is in the heavens and on the earth, and in the seas and in the abysses, and in the light and in the darkness, and in (17) everything.
    And He gave us a great sign, the Sabbath day, that we should work six days, but (18) keep Sabbath on the seventh day from all work. And all the angels of the presence, and all the angels of sanctification, these two great classes -He hath bidden us to keep the Sabbath with Him (19) in heaven and on earth. And He said unto us: ‘Behold, I will separate unto Myself a people from among all the peoples, and these shall keep the Sabbath day, and I will sanctify them unto Myself as My people, and will bless them; as I have sanctified the Sabbath day and do sanctify (it) unto (20) Myself, even so will I bless them, and they shall be My people and I will be their God. And I have chosen the seed of Jacob from amongst all that I have seen, and have written him down as My first-born son, and have sanctified him unto Myself for ever and ever; and I will teach them the (21) Sabbath day, that they may keep Sabbath thereon from all work.’ And thus He created therein a sign in accordance with which they should keep Sabbath with us on the seventh day, to eat and to drink, and to bless Him who has created all things as He has blessed and sanctified unto Himself (22) a peculiar people above all peoples, and that they should keep Sabbath together with us.
    And He caused His commands to ascend as a sweet savour acceptable before Him all the days . . .
    (23) There (were) two and twenty heads of mankind from Adam to Jacob, and two and twenty kinds of work were made until the seventh day; this is blessed and holy; and the former also is blessed and (24) holy; and this one serves with that one for sanctification and blessing. And to this (Jacob and His seed) it was granted that they should always be the blessed and holy ones of the first testimony (25) and law, even as He had sanctified and blessed the Sabbath day on the seventh day. He created heaven and earth and everything that He created in six days, and God made the seventh day holy, for all His works; ↩︎
  2. In the Greek text, there is a definite contrast in the first & third “the God” and the second “God” without “the” as the definite article although in English, its smoother not to include it. Verse two, again says “the God” The second use of “God” in line 1c is without the definite article, according to Greek rules, is being used as an adjective, like godly, divine, supernal, heavenly, or elohiymly, rather than as a noun. The Theologian, John Barclay, said: “When in Greek two nouns are joined by the verb to be and when both have the definite article, then the one is fully identified with the other; but when one of them is without the article, it becomes more an adjective than a noun, and describes rather the class or sphere to which the other belongs” (Jesus as They Saw Him, 21). Daniel Wallace of Dallas Theological Seminary admits that John 1:1c is depicting “Theos” as adjectival (Greek Grammar: Beyond the Basics, p. 269). It can also be legitimately translated as “a god” in contrast to The “only true God” (John 17:3). ↩︎


1 Rabbis altered their genealogical texts after 160 A.D. based upon the Seder Olam in order to promote the idea that Shem was Melchizedek. They did this in order to counter the New Testament and the Book of Hebrews.
2 Yi-s’ra-el means, He will-rule with-El / God
3 Using a grape vine metaphor would yield: “I am the Vine (Netsar) and ye are the Branches (the Netsarim).” John 15:5
4 Hybridized to Jesus: From Hebrew to Greek & Latin to English: Yahwshúa to YahshúaJoshuaYeshúaY’ShúaYeshuYesuJesus: meaning: Yahwéh gives freedom from slavery, as in, “Whosoever shall call on the name of Yahwéh (The Eternal Being) shall be saved.”
5 The words, Anoint & Anointed, come from the Hebrew words, Mashakh & Mashiakh. These were translated into Greek as, Chrism & Christos and transliterated as Messias. Anointing with oil, was part of an inauguration ceremony for a priest, prophet, and king, when sacred oil was poured upon their head. And this was symbolized the spirit of God being poured upon them enduing with authority and power. We discern that this was also performed upon Y’Shúa of Nazareth by John the Baptist at his Baptismal Inauguration. Cf., 1 Sam 16:12; 13
6 These invasions came after the separation of Northern Israel from Southern Israel. They are later known as Samaritans & Judaeans (John 4). In both invasions-captivities, most of the elite were taken away, but not all. Many others also remained in the Lands of Israel & Judah. In the generations following, many from the captivities returned to their Land and many more dispersed into the Nations.
7 The Everlasting Covenant was given to Adam and passed down to Noah and Abraham. It was augmented and individualized for the nation of Israel under Moses at Mount Horeb/Sinai. But the records were edited and redacted by scribal priests beginning between Solomon to Hezekiah and Isaiah, and further in Babylon.
8 Yesha-Yahu and Yǝho-Shua are equivalent names, two words in reversed order of one another.
9 In Hebrew, the word is, Netsar; it is from the verb, Nawtsar, meaning: to Guard, to Keep, to Preserve; It used of the Levites in Dt 33:9
10 aka, CE for the Common Era
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