The Original Gospel

Is This The Original Gospel of Yeshúa?

The Gospel of the Holy Twelve (GHT):
The Gospel of the Perfect life of Yeshu-Marya the Christ
—Updated Version—

By: Tracy Phillip Osborne©
Introduction Page Chapters 1-5Chapters 6-9Chapters 10-20Chapters 21-30Chapters 31-40
Chapters 41-50Chapters 51-60Chapters 61-70Chapters 71-80Chapters 81-89Chapters 90-96

Individual Sections
(Some of my updates and commentary notes have been added here; But not all.)
I recommend reading completely through section by section. But finish reading this page first.

(1) The Days of King Herod; The Parentage and Conception of Yoḥanán the Baptist;
His Nazarite/Nazirite Consecration: No Animal Flesh or Strong Drink.
(2) The Conception of Yeshúa the Mashíakh; Nazarite Consecration; The Appearances of Gabri’él to Miriám & Yoséph; Miriám and Elishéḅa Prophesy; Yoséph Prophesies.
(3) The Nativity and Naming of Yoḥanán the Baptist; Zachariah (Zakharyah) His Father Prophesies.
(4) Nativity of Yeshúa the Mashíakh, in a Cave, in the midst of the Animals; An Angel tells the Shepherds;
His Presentation in the Temple (the Miqdash); The Song of Simeon (Shimon).
(5) The Manifestation of Yeshúa to the Magi (Wise Men), who had Tasted Neither Flesh nor Strong Drink; Disappearance of the Star when they forgot their weary animals; Flight into Egypt; Zacharias (Zakharyah) is Murdered; Return to the Land of Yisra’el.
(6) The Growth of Yeshúa. His Marriage, Education, His Travels to the East, and Animal Liberations.
(7) The Preaching Of John The Baptist on Repentance; Forbids Flesh Eating and Deeds of Cruelty;
Enjoins Mercy to Humanity and Animals.
(8) John (Yohanan) Testifies concerning Yeshúa [Yeshu-Maryá = The-Master, Yeshúa];
Yeshúa’s Baptismal Consecration and Anointing
(9) The Victory of Yeshúa over Four Tests in the Desert.

(10) Yoséph And Miriám Make A Feast for Yeshúa; Miriam Magdalena, Phillip, Andrew, Kepha (Peter) and Nathaniel became his Disciples (Talmidim) [[I moved Chapter 10 to Section 2]]
(11) In the House of Shimon the Pharisee; Miriám of Magdala (Magdalena) Anointed Yeshúa with Oil
and Shimon Protested; Yeshúa Contrasted Each One’s Love for Him.
(12) The Marriage in Cana. The Healing of the Nobleman’s Son.
(13) The First Sermon in the Synagogue of Nazareth; A Blind Man’s Lack of Faith;
The People attempt to Kill Yeshúa.
(14) Yeshúa Preaching and Healing in Galilee; The Calling of Andrew and Kepha, Ya’aqob and Yohanan;
The Rebuke for Hunting and Cruelty to Animals; The Rebuke of a Rich Man. 
(15) The Healing of the Leper and the Paralyzed; Who Can Forgive Sins;
The Deaf Man Healed who Denied that Others Could Hear & Was Corrected.
(16) Calling of Lewi; Fasting of Yohanan’s Talmidim; New Wine Must Be Put in New Bottles.
(17) Yeshúa Apostolized the Twelve and their Fellows; They are Forbidden to Eat what is Gotten by Taking Life;
They who take not up their Cross (or, Staff) are not Worthy of Him.
(18) The Master Sent Forth Seventy-Two with Instructions; The Law of Karma (Sowing & Reaping).
(19) Yeshúa Teaches Prayer; Of Praying in Secret; The Life and Substance of all things; Error even in the Prophets.
Of Forgiveness and Tenderness to Every Creature; A Withered Hand is Healed.
(20) The Return of the Seventy-Two; The All Parent: The Father-Mother; The Bliss of the Inner Circle.

(21) Yeshúa Rebukes Cruelty to a Horse. Condemns the Service of Mammon. 
(22) The Restoration of Jairus’ Daughter.
(23) Yeshúa and the Samaritan Woman.
(24) Yeshúa Denounces Cruelty. Heals the Sick.
(25) The Sermon on the Mount (part I)
(26) The Sermon on the Mount (part II)
(27) The Sermon on the Mount (part III)
(28) Yeshúa Releases the Rabbits and Pigeons.
(29) He Feeds Five Thousand with Six Loaves and Seven Clusters of Grapes.
(30) The Bread of Life and the Living Vine.

(31) The Bread of Life and the Living Vine. Yeshúa Teaches the Thoughtless Driver.
(32) Elohím the Food and Drink of All.
(33) By the Shedding of Blood of Others Is No Remission of Sins.
(34) Love of Yeshúa for All Creatures. His Care for a Cat.
(35) The Good Law. The Good Samaritan. Miriám and Martha. On Divine Wisdom.
(36) The Woman Taken in Adultery. The Pharisee and the Publican.
(37) The Regeneration of the Soul.
(38) Yeshúa Condemns the Ill Treatment of Animals.
(39) The Kingdom of Heaven (Seven Parables)
(40) Yeshúa Expounds the Inner Teaching to the Twelve.

(41) Yeshúa sets free caged Birds; The Blind Man who denied that Others Saw.
(42) Yeshúa Teaches Concerning Marriage. The Blessing of Children.
(43) Yeshúa Teaches Concerning the Riches of this World and the Washing of Hands and Unclean Flesh.
(44) The Confession of the Twelve. Mashíakh the True Rock.
(45) Seeking for Signs. The Unclean Spirit.
(46) The Transfiguration on the Mount, and the Giving of the Law of Messiah.
(47) The Spirit Gives Life. The Rich Man and the Beggar.
(48) Yeshúa Feeds 1000 with Five Melons. Heals the withered Hand on the Sabbath Day. He rebukes hypocrisy.
(49) The True Temple [Miqdásh] of Elohím.
(50) Mashíakh the Light of the World.

(51) The Truth Makes Free.
(52) The Pre-existence of Mashíakh.
(53) Yeshúa Heals the Blind on the Sabbath. Yeshúa at the Pool of Siloam.
(54) The Examination of the Blind Man – A Living Type of the House of Elohím.
(55) Mashíakh the Good Shepherd.
(56) The Raising of Lazarus from his Sleep in the Tomb.
(57) Concerning Little Children. Forgiveness of Others. Parable of the Fishes.
(58) Divine Love to the Repentant.
(59) Yeshúa Forewarns His Disciples. Glad Tidings to Zacchaeus.
(60) Yeshúa Rebukes Hypocrisy.

(61) Yeshúa Foretells the End.
(62) Parable of the Ten Virgins.
(63) Parable of the Talents.
(64) Yeshúa Teaches in the Palm Circle. The Divine Life and Substance.
(65) The Last Anointing by Miriám Magdalena. Neglect not the Present time.
(66) Yeshúa again Teaches his Disciples concerning the Nature of Elohím. The Kingdom. The Two in One.
(67) The Last Entry into Jerusalem. The Sheep and the Goats.
(68) The Householder and the Husbandmen. Order out of Disorder.
(69) The Mashíakh within the Soul. The Resurrection and the Life. Salome’s Question.
(70) Yeshúa Rebukes Kepha’s Haste.

(71) The Cleansing of the Miqdásh.
(72) The Many Mansions in the One House.
(73) Mashíakh The True Vine.
(74) Yeshúa Foretells Persecutions.
(75) The Last Supper.
(76) Washing of the Feet, The Eucharistic Oblation.
(77) The Agony in Gethsemane.
(78) The Betrayal.
(79) The Hebrew Trial before Caiaphas.
(80) The Sorrow and Penance of Judas.

(81) The Roman Trial before Pilate.
(82) The Crucifixion.
(83) The Burial of Yeshúa.
(84) The Resurrection of Yeshúa.
(85) Yeshúa appears to Two at Emmaus.
(86) Yeshúa appears in the Miqdásh. Blood Sacrifices Cease.
(87) Yeshúa appears to the Twelve.
(88) The Eighth Day after the Resurrection.
(89) Yeshúa appears at the Sea of Galilee.

(90) What is Truth?
(91) The Order of the Kingdom (part I.)
(92) The Order of the Kingdom (part II.)
(93) The Order of the Kingdom (part III.)
(94) The Order of the Kingdom (part IV.)
(95) The Ascension of Mashíakh.
(96) The Pouring out of the Spirit. The taking of Magdalena, Miriám and Yoséph.

Here Ends The Table of Contents

Go to Chapters 1-5
I recommend reading completely through section by section.
Individual Sections with Newer Commentary — the Newest Commentary, I have not released.

All 96 Chapters on One Page
(for searching entire document but commentary notes are older)

  1. The Catholic Apostolic Church, also known as the Irvingian Church or Irvingite Church, is a denomination in the Restorationist branch of Christianity that originated in Scotland around 1831. It spread to Germany and the United States and was organized in 1835 with a fourfold ministry of “apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors.” Here are some key points about the Catholic Apostolic Church:
    Origins and Spread: The church was founded in Scotland around 1831 and later spread to Germany and the United States. It was organized in 1835 with a unique fourfold ministry structure.
    Edward Irving: The church is sometimes referred to as Irvingism or the Irvingian movement after Edward Irving (1792–1834), a clergyman of the Church of Scotland credited with organizing the movement.
    Fourfold Ministry: The Catholic Apostolic Church has a distinctive organizational structure with apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors.
    Restorationist Beliefs: The church teaches the restoration to the universal church of prophetic gifts by the direct inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
    Schism and Emergence of Other Denominations: Due to internal schisms, other Irvingian Christian denominations emerged from the Catholic Apostolic Church. ↩︎
  2. “The first collected edition of essays (or ‘Lections’) by the author, a former clergyman, Rev. Gideon Jasper Richard Ouseley (1834–1906, son of Ralph Ouseley) was published in 1901. By the time of Ouseley’s death the title was out of print but the executor of his manuscript, Samuel Hopgood Hart (1865–1958) re-issued the text in 1924. There have been numerous editions published since the 1950s and the title remains in print and on the Internet.” ↩︎
  3. Separately, in later years after its’ publication and his death, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely claimed that he was given access to the Vatican Library where he translated another very similar recension of it along with other Essene writings. This, it was said, had been confiscated when it was presented by someone who brought it from the East. I studied it as well. It seems fraudulent to me. He (and Nicolas Notovitch who wrote “The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ”), most likely used Rev. Ouseley’s GHT to create their own works of it that he called, The Essene Humane Gospel of Jesus Christ. He also, wrote, “The Essene Gospel of Peace”. Here is a good discussion of it from Keith Akers: and in contrast to his analysis of GHT: ↩︎
  4. One Preface, in part, notes:
    “Their ‘Gospel of the Holy Twelve’ was communicated to the Editors, in numerous fragments at different times, by Emmanuel Swedenborg, Anna Kingsford, Edward Maitland, and a priest of the former century, giving his name as Placidus, of the Franciscan Order, afterwards a Carmelite. By them it was translated from the original, and given to the Editors in the flesh,
    to be supplemented in their proper places, where indicated, from the ‘Four Gospels’ (A.V.) revised where necessary by the same.
    “To this explanation, the Editors cannot add, nor from it take away. By the Divine Spirit was the Gospel communicated to the four above mentioned, and by them translated, and given to the writers; not in séance rooms (where too often resort the idle, the frivolous and the curious, attracting spirits similar to themselves, rather than the good), but ‘in dreams and visions of the night,’ and by direct guidance, has God instructed them by chosen instruments; and now they give it to the world, that some may be wiser unto Salvation, while those who reject it, remain in their blindness, until they will to see.” copied from ↩︎


1 From Melchizedek back to the beginning. The word, Melchizedek, translates to the King of Righteousness; but, if we change the vowels in zedek, we get the name Zadok. We then have, Zadok the King!
2 This Gospel began to be revealed in the late 1800’s. It subsequently was published with explanations of its origins and recovery. It is claimed to be the base from which the Four Canonical Gospels were originally constructed, before they themselves suffered from the editorial pen of the Roman “correctors”. It resembles a harmony of the 4-Gospels; However, it includes additional information that supports an ideology that was removed by “orthodoxy” long ago; And, whose truth strikes a pleasing chord within the heart of those sensing something missing in the scriptures and desiring the original. That is its true test!
There is a preface in one of its publications that says, it “was communicated . . . in numerous fragments at different times, by Emmanuel Swedenborg, Anna Kingsford, Edward Maitland, and a priest of the former century, giving his name as Placidus, of the Franciscan Order—afterwards, a Carmelite. By them it was translated from the original, and given to the Editors in the flesh, to be supplemented in their proper places, where indicated, from the “Four Gospels” (A.V.) revised where necessary by the same. To this explanation, the Editors cannot add, nor from it take away. By the Divine Spirit was the Gospel communicated to the four above mentioned, and by them translated, and given to the writers; not in séance rooms (where too often resort the idle, the frivolous and the curious, attracting spirits similar to themselves, rather than the good), but “in dreams and visions of the night,” and by direct guidance, has God instructed them by chosen instruments; and now they give it to the world, that some may be wiser unto Salvation, while those who reject it, remain in their blindness, till they will to see.” (“Explanatory Preface” From an early 20th century edition published in London.) [Note: The editors were working with the canonical Gospels that were corrupted long ago; Thus, this must be taken into account as new texts are discovered and fresh insights are gained.It was claimed by some that the Apostle John wrote it and sent it with a disciple to India-Tibet for safekeeping. It was translated and brought back West in the 1700’s or 1800’s, but confiscated by the RCC. E. Francis Udny believes it was translated by the hand of Francis Bacon: others by the Franciscan-Carmelite Monk named, Placidus, one of the four who delivered it to Rev. Ousley. Whatever the case may be in that regard, it was received by Rev. Ouseley through revelations, dreams, visions and direct guidance. So, what if? under Apostolic authority in ≈ the 50-60’s AD, a copy of this original was sent with disciples to the East and preserved? Centuries later, did, Bacon or Placidus, or surviving Essenes, or, Nestorians bring it back to the West from the East, as some think was done with Sefer Josippon? These assertions are presently beyond examination; then again, the same vagueness exists for the canonical Bible. However, one can research into original Judaism and Christianity (studying the redaction of the Tanakh and the Gospels, Vegetarianism, Reincarnation) and arrive at the same conclusions, aside from reading this Gospel account. Indeed, reading this will help you see what you will find in such research in a familiar format. It takes for granted, that the canonical old and new testaments are documents that long ago were reconstructed and edited from previous originals, even as modern scholarship with various scenarios now accepts. Its beauty is found by those who thirst for righteousness and read it. I tentatively give it primary status in the NT—the presupposition upon which the rest of the canonical New Testament was written. Paqid, Yo’el Ben Avraham, MA
There is similar book by Edward Bordeaux Szekely, called, The Essene Humane Gospel. It appears to be an edited version of The Gospel of the Perfect Life and may originate from a later branch of Nazarean Essenes. Along with other writings that Szekely translated, he claimed that he was given access to them by a priest in the Vatican library. His writings do not necessarily reflect the original Essenes nor our interpretations
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