We are people. Elohiym created all spirits and then with the breath of life, breathed us into our bodies and we became a “nefesh-chai” —-a living soul or being. Notice how before the foundations of the Earth were laid how the sons of Elohiym were rejoicing. Yahweh interrogates Job:
“Where were you at my laying the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you possess understanding. Who determined its measurement? Yes, you do know. Or who stretched the measuring line upon it? On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars were singing together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Job 38:4-7 Lexham English Bible
We were created before the foundations of the earth were laid within the words, “Let there be light!” We are living beings having a human experience until we exit the body when it dies. When we exit our bodily existence, we are fully conscious and we begin a process in the invisible spiritual realm that will eventually lead us into other bodily experiences until our final one, when we will be clothed with an incorruptible and eternal spiritual body. This ancient concept of reality is confirmed more and more even with the modern scientific method.
We were first conceived in the mind and will of the Creator — the Father-Mother of all. Except for the initial Adamic couples, our first existence was a normal bodily existence created in the normal way—through the fertilization of a sperm & ovum. Our body and soul grew within the womb of our first mother, then birth, then our first lifetime and bodily death. We left that body until another one was prepared. We were sent into a new body and have undergone the same process many times. And, except for a few, most people have no memory of past lives for we are intended to concentrate on the present life and mature within it. We progress in stages over lifetimes in accordance with the Creator’s Everlasting Covenant. Evaluation of our progress, or lack thereof, is made in between each life with rewards and remedies mapped out for the next. The Creator’s desire and intent for each one of us is for us to gain spiritual and moral rectitude, perfection or maturity. As it was said by Yeshúa our Master-Teacher, Be ye perfect even as your Parent in the Heavens is perfect.
In accordance with a love for the Creator and our neighbors, the principles of non-violation of free-will and doing no harm, there can be advancements and setbacks in our progress from life to life. Each Soul’s progress is particular to itself. The Book of Hebrews states, We draw near to Elohíym, the Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous who have been made perfect…” (Heb. 11:23) Notice the words of the famous early Christian named Origen…
“Every soul… comes into the world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its’ previous life. Its’ place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor or dishonor, is determined by its’ previous merits or demerits. Its’ work in this world determines its’ place in the world which is to follow this.”
Yeshua (Jesus) asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” They said,
“Some say… Elijah, and others say, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.” Mark 8:27
These Prophets had lived and died. Could they be reincarnated and live another life as someone else? They apparently thought so. Did Yeshua deny this possibility? No. But it is a subject that can be complicated and confusing and has to be skillfully harmonized with the rest of Scripture. Again, notice: As Yeshua passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him,
“Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” John 9:1-2
Spiritual maturity, for most, is attained over many incarnated lifetimes, experienced as both males and females and within various races, cultures, and religions. We should beware of how we think about and treat others for we have and will reap what we sow and may end up in their shoes the next go around!
With this discernment, there are necessary Teacher-Student relationships that develop and social etiquette that forms around love, patience, kindness, self-control, and etc. There is an inevitable categorization of progress of Soul-beings that develops to describe the various phases of maturity: babes, children, adolescents, and adults. It can describe one lifetime’s progress or describe various stages of the Soul itself at various stages over its multiple-life existence. The development of love and wisdom is paramount from which flow virtues of character.
This knowledge should supply us with desire to aid all souls to advance toward perfection. It is a perversion of this reality that would lock people into some type of permanent caste system. It is love and wisdom to advance all with opportunities for advancement in the same—regardless of ethnic origin, gender, religion, or privilege. So, this article should be received in the spirit of mutual love that it is given—in order to comprehend the process.
“As we seek to perfect others, so perfect us in your Messiah…” GHT 76:20
As described in The Gospel of the Holy Twelve (GHT), especially in Chapter 46, the definition of Yisraél extends to those among the nations who overcome their self-centered base inclinations. Ya’acob overcame his own selfish inclinations and was given an additional name: Yi-s’ra-el, which means “he will rule as a Prince with Elohiym as an “overcomer”. It became the corporate name of the nation. But, Yeshúa refocused it in the context of a New Covenant. Yisraél is not limited to a race or a nation in the middle east. It is equivalent to the ancient terms, עִברִי – Hebrew, and יְשֻׁרוּן – Yeshurún – the Upright. All peoples are intended to “overcome” and control their base or “evil urges” as did Ya’aqob (Jacob) and become, Yi-s’ra-el — a prince/princess. Yeshúa came to his own people as the agent of Elohíym, and as many as received him and his words, to them he renewed them into a New Covenant as was foretold by the prophet, Jeremiah. Those who embrace(d) the true Everlasting Covenant of Mashiakh are true Yi-s’ra-él after the spirit (internally) where ever they are located. The problem is that the original terms of the Everlasting Covenant have been purposefully obscured and confused.
All other degrees of God-fearing peoples outside the terms of the New Covenant are called Foreigners and Sojourners (as charted below) who, to one degree or another, have established a system of “their own righteousness”. There are various levels of insight among people, as well as, error, alive in various incarnations—all advancing until they embrace and conform to that true agreement. This is the case regardless of their other historical names and group-relationships – whether Samaritan, Judean, Aramean, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc., etc.; whether Male or Female, Bond or Free; Regardless of the gifts of ‘common-grace’ upon them, and gifts of wisdom, they remain “in the outer court” in the status of Foreigners or Sojourners, even for many lifetimes until purged of the “grosser evils”. Then, they may permanently enter the gates of the New Jerusalem. And we all have likely traveled amongst all of them and more. We have all been there!
And again one said [to Yeshúa], “If there come to us any that eat flesh and drink strong drink, shall we receive them?” And Yeshúa said to him, “Let such abide in the outer court [as sojourners] till they cleanse themselves from these grosser evils; for till they perceive, and repent of these, they are not fit to receive the higher mysteries.” GPL 91:8
In each life we gain merit for our next lifetime by the virtues and good deeds we do despite the bad we also do. They may incarnate having been given a specific set of parameters within a group for the sake of advancing specific matters for the good of mankind. However, otherwise virtuous in various ways, mankind suffers from a spiritually induced coma having been deceived by edited scriptures into killing and eating flesh&blood animals. Some things were permitted/tolerated because of the “hardness of heart—but from the beginning it was not so” intended or permitted/tolerated. Discretion and Judgment belong to Elohím but the set-standards do not change! “Thou shalt not kill” originally included people and animals. This is clearly demonstrated in this website.
We are Netsarim and not “Gnostics” as were these groups, but the discernments thus far stated are the source of the ancient Cathars divisions of Perfecti, Credentes, and Sympathizers:
- Perfecti – Vegefruitarians [non flesh&blood eaters] who had renounced the world system in consecration for a higher purpose. As described by their enemies, which we consider not the full truth, they or sects of them seem quite extreme. They likely were devoted to restoring a lost path, having to sort through various writings and traditions, even as we are doing in this day.
- Credentes – These were believers who still interacted with [or had not yet disentangled themselves from various entanglements in] the world but worked toward renunciation of such. [They were Vegefruitarians like the Perfecti but it is said that some permitted themselves fish. Perhaps this was an emergency provision. Many Vegefruitarians, seasonally, also partook of the Milk of non-abused plant-eaters—non-carnivorous animals. The modern Dairy industry would not qualify as a non-abuser of animals. Learn more about emergency and extenuating circumstances where we expound on the meaning of Sha’ul (aka, Paul) about those bound in slavery.]
- Sympathizers – this term describes non-believers who aided and supported Cathar communities. [Every good deed yields reward and further opportunities for remedies in the present and future life in the ascent toward perfection. Whatsoever we sow that shall we also reap.]
This is reflected in an earlier Manichaean structure, which likely also has an ancient history.
- The Elect – Vegefruitarians
- The Hearers
See the parable of the sower. Here are two verses:
11 “But they that receive the seed into the good ground, are they that hear the Word and comprehend it, who also bear fruit and bring forth, some thirty, some sixty, some a hundredfold. 12 These things I declare unto you of the inner circle; but to those of the outer, in parables. Let them hear who have ears to hear.” GPL 40:11; Mk 4; Mt; 13; Luke 8
“But, “be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22
The chart below is from a Biblical perspective.
Gĕrím = Sojourners/God-Fearers – walking in the steps of Abraham the Hebrew
toward spiritual maturity (Rom. 4:12)
Nokrim → Foreigners → | A Gĕr → Sojourner → | A Gĕr Toshav → Sojourner in the Land→ | A Gĕr Sha’ar → Sojourner at the Gate→ | Yisraél (ruling with Elohim) |
Foreigners to the Covenant… The Unrighteous from the Nations deceived and descended from Noah and others who may have survived the Flood – Alienated from the True Elohím | Sign: The Rainbow and Baptism (Passage thru Water) The estranged children of Noah turn to the Creator away from idolatry, to follow righteousness[1]Rom 1:5; 6:16; 16:26; Gen 11:27-16:16; Jub 11:1-14:24; Dt 14:26; cf. 2 Kings 5:14-19. | Sign: Righteousness & change of heart according to the original Hebrews, in contrast to the nations & the ‘custom of Mosheh’ of the 1st Century Judean-Establishment[2]Acts 15:1; Gen 17:1-9; Jub 20:1-5; 16:16-18; cf. Jn 7:22 with GBC – The Gospel of The Beloved Companion; Jeahanne De Quillan, The Complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene, 2nd Edition, 2011. Editions … Continue reading | Sign: A new Baptismal Consecration. One who has learned and lived the Way of Truth who appears before the Elders to embrace it fully and be given full rights in the community among the people. | Native-Born of the community, and those who have been naturalized and grafted into the community. |
From the Books of Enoch and Jubilees, a 364-days-per-year solar calendar was followed and passed down to Israel. The original Book of Jubilees was given to Moshéh and states that Noah added Shavuót (Pentecost) as a yearly observance. Likewise, it teaches that Abraham received books from Enoch, Noah, and Shem, and added the other yearly festivals of Passover-Matsa and Tabernacles, and that Jacob made an “addition” of an 8th Day to Tabernacles and received revelations and wrote them down also. Yom Kippur was made in memory of Jacob’s mourning over Joseph and the treachery done to him by his own brothers. (The Calendar is displayed on this website.) The calendar was ignored by the deviant priesthoods, who redacted the Tanakh/Old Testament from the time of Solomon up into the time of the Babylonian and Persian Empires. These priests sought to belittle their rivals: the Enochians – Noachians – Melchi-Zadokians—this is still done by modern Rabbis. |
Rom 4:12; Eph 2:11-20 & Rom 11:17-19 (the process of being grafted-in) in light of Genesis 17:1-9; Jubilees 20:1-5; Ex 12:43-49; Ex 20:10; Lev 16:29; 17:1-16; 18:26; 25:6; Num 15:13-16, 25-31; 35:15; Jos 20:9; Ez 14:7; Acts 10:1; 13:42; 16:14; 17:4; 18:7; Mt 23:15; Acts 2:10; 6:5; 13:43; Rev 11:18; 19:6. One should note that Israel-Judah went astray with lawless blood rituals of animal-sacrifices, copying them from foreigners and virtually all scriptures have these practices inserted into the scriptures by scribes. These inserted passages have to be recognized for what they are and ignored. Nevertheless, The Almighty permitted such until the “Seed” came and initiated the generation of the Reformation of all things. These were the “last days” of the previous age that ended in AD 70. |
↑1 | Rom 1:5; 6:16; 16:26; Gen 11:27-16:16; Jub 11:1-14:24; Dt 14:26; cf. 2 Kings 5:14-19 |
↑2 | Acts 15:1; Gen 17:1-9; Jub 20:1-5; 16:16-18; cf. Jn 7:22 with GBC – The Gospel of The Beloved Companion; Jeahanne De Quillan, The Complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene, 2nd Edition, 2011. Editions Athara; 090000 Foix, Ariege, France., Chapter 20:8-10; Gal 5:11). |