⁜ The 2025-26 Netsarim-Essene Calendar and Commentary ⁜ Download Here

The Dead Sea Scrolls bear witness to the persecuted and exiled Jewish Qumran community of the Zadokite Priesthood who were custodians of the ‘sacred time’ portrayed in this Calendar. The biblical writings discovered there include the Books of Enoch and Jubilees, which are a part of the Canon of Scriptures of Ethiopian Jews and Christians and describe this sacred Calendar in contrast to the Jerusalem Priests and Pharisees who had gone astray in the Maccabean-Hasmonean period. Detailed records were discovered of this Mathematical Schedule of the Sun and Moon and the Sacred Festivals of Israel. It is our belief that John the Baptist was a part of the Zadokite community and that Yeshua and his followers kept this sacred Calendar rather than the Babylonian-Grecian-Hasmonean-Sadducean-Pharisaic-Talmudic Calendar.
According to the Roman Historian Strabo, an Essene-Ebionite sect of the Jews who were sworn to poverty were also among the Nabateans at Petra, (which was part of Arabia at the time) in about 10 BC. From this poverty comes the Hebrew term, Ebionites (the Poor). Though little is known, it seems that they honored the important but mysterious biblical figure, Melchi-Zedek, who was the Priest of the Most High at Jerusalem that blessed Abram/Abraham and served him “Bread and Wine” and to whom Abraham gave Tithes. They may have had some link to Zadokian Qumran community and/or Jewish Nasareans. The historian Strabo claimed that “They worship the Sun and construct an altar on the top of a house, pouring out libations and burning frankincense upon it every day.” Being correctly interpreted though, this likely meant that they honoured the preeminence of the Sun praying at its rising in the morning and at its going down in the evening. These same practices are reflected the Bible and in the Books of Enoch and Jubilees, as will be recognizable below. The Book of Jubilees says that Adam and Enoch offered incense to the Almighty–and without animal sacrifices. And according to testimony concerning the Nasareans and Ebionites, eating animals and offering them as sacrifices was a fraudulent rewriting of the scriptures. Jubilees 2:22; 3:26; 4:25.
This Israelite Calendar, first revealed to Enoch and followed by Noah, Melchizedek, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and revealed again to Moses, is not to be confused with other Babylonian hybrid moon-phase-based calendars, such as the Islamic Lunar Calendar and the Lunar-Solar Calendar of the Samaritan & Judean Governments. Nor is it to be confused with the hybrid Roman Mithraic-Christian SunDay calendar. The Communities of the Zadokian Israelites followed the original Melchizedek-Levitical-Mosaic Torah-Law, not the later edited-law of the Samaritans & Judeans.
In this Sacred yearly schedule, there are 4-Seasons, 364 Days per year, equaling exactly 52 Weekly-Sabbath-Days (except, in intercalation years when a week is inserted). In this Sacred Calendar, there is a 7-Day Perpetual Creation Week: Sunday thru the Sabbath Day, which has never been proven to have changed its continuous sequence of Morning-Day-Evening-Night (Gen. 1:3–2:3). The Dawning light from the Sun begins the Morning and Day, and Sundown begins the Evening that ends after Dusk when the Stars come out, which begins the darkness of Night. Thus, we have the biblical phrases: 40 days and 40 nights, 3 days and 3 nights, and, “tomorrow” begins with the Dawn of Daylight.
In the beginning of creation week, the Cosmic Spiritual-Light was created on the Day-One, but the Sun, Moon & Stars, were were not created until the 4th Day. On this day, there was the Vernal Equinox accompanied by a Full Moon. This began a recurring pattern that repeated every 294 years, when the Sun and Moon returned to their created position in the sky. The 294 years is divisible by the numbers, 6 and 7. The 6-years is related to the perpetual 6-years rotation of the priests (6 x 7 = 42) and the 7-years is related to 7-years Shmita cycle and 49-years Jubilees cycles: (7 x 7 = 49).
7 x 42 = 294 years | 7 x 49 = 294 years. The Spring Equinox Sun and a Full Moon and the first priestly family (Gamul) serving for a week all aligned to begin another 294 year cycle. It was discovered that a new 294 years cycle began on March 20th, 2019. This was a breakthrough in research. See, www.Restored7sCalendar.com. The 6-years priestly course begins again with the priestly family of Gamul along with the insertion of an intercalary week. The New Year begins on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025. The last day of this year will be Tuesday, March 17, 2026. (The new research, retrospectively effects our understanding of when to insert the intercalary week, which up to this point, was inserted every 5 years, or, 6 years rarely, keeping the Equinox ahead of New Year’s Day. Henceforth, will fall behind the Equinox for 6 years).
All solar calendars fall behind about 1.25 days each year. This necessitates an intercalation and that is why in the U.S. we have a February 29th every 4-years. When the Spring Equinox falls on a Wednesday, we insert one week (thus making that year 371 days) and restart the 364-Day count on the following Wednesday. The 364-Day count never changes–it is continuous until the intercalation week is inserted in order to keep the 4-seasons in-sync. The intercalation week makes that year to be 371 days and 53 Weekly Sabbaths Days. The reason for the need of an intercalation was because there was an interruption of the perfect synchronization of the 364 Days-Nights yearly cycle.
There are additional notes and graphs in the .pdf