Early Vege-Fruitarianism
A Roman Catholic Bishop wrote in 375 A.D. that
“This sect of Nazoræans [possess the Original Gospel written in Hebrew and] is to be found in Beroea near Coelesyria, in the Decapolis near Pella, and in Bashanitis at the place called . . . Khokhabe in Hebrew . . .[In his disgust, he says,] They are nothing but Jews [except for their fidelity to Yeshúa haMashiakh. . .]” [Likewise, the Ancient Essene Sect of the]“Nasaræans . . . are Jews by nationality, from Gileaditis, Bashanitis and the Transjordan as I have been told, but descendants of Israel himself.” There are only a handful of Nasaræans [left as such, for] . . . they have been united with the sect of the Ebionites [which is another name for the Nazoræans, who also possess the Original Gospel written in Hebrew. They reject animal sacrifices and flesh eating as part of a fraudulent editing of the Scriptures, and thus, they read them with discernment].
Bishop Epiphanius, The Panarion (c. 375 AD)
A Nicene Bishop, on the outside trying to look in!
[Brackets are mine, inserted to reorder and simply his extensive descriptions and narrowing in on the pertinent statements.
Remember that we have used the Prophet Isaiah’s term, Netsar/Netsarim, for these Sects of Hebrew-Israelites.]
“Sacrifices were invented by men to be a pretext for eating flesh”
— Clement of Alexandria
The Original Kosher; No Animal Flesh
The Ideal Plant & Tree Based Diet (Last Edit: 12/21/2020)
Exclusively Eating Food from Mother Earth: Vegetables, Fruits from Trees, Vines, & Plants: Various Tree Fruits & Nuts, Melons & Grapes, Berries from Plants, Starches from Roots, Potatoes, Rice, Beans, Peas, etc., Grains & Breads, Herbal Plants, Roots & Leafy Greens (Gen. 1:29). Other “kosher” animals eat grains and grasses (Gen. 1:30). Carnivorous animals eat other animal carcasses and drink their blood; Mankind began to follow the Carnivore as a result of the corruption and demonic influence (likely including genetic modifications) that came about after the fall of mankind from its original pristine state of being along with the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden–matters which will eventually be corrected and should be modeled by enlightened people now! The chart below may not be perfect but it is illustrative. Along with the Frugivorous, we also share about 3/4 of the characteristics of the Herbivore characteristics listed.

On a pure Vegetarian-Fruitarian diet (Vege-Fruitarian), which is the normal and perfect diet of mankind according to Genesis One [1]though some argue for and practice a pure Fruitarian diet, there are no animal products eaten–No slaughtered Fish, Birds, nor Animals, nor their Eggs nor their Milk. (Notwithstanding temporary emergency.) The term Vegan was coined to describe this Vege-Fruitarian diet, because, some who used the term Vegetarian were actually eating a Vegetarian+ diet, also eating Dairy, Eggs, and/or Fish products. To differentiate the two versions, the term “Vegan” was coined by Donald Watson and concerned diet alone. I prefer the term that I coined: Vege-Fruitarian. Why be a pure Vege-Fruitarian? Because it is Normal, Ethical, Spiritual, Rational, and Healthy.[2]When one comes to terms with the issues and is learning how to live this way, there are “myths” to be aware of, including those concerning Protein and B12 deficiencies. The study … Continue reading Below is a Vege-Fruitarian Food Pyramid–I would increase the size of the Fruits and Vegetables section.

The Persecution of Vege-Fruitarians & Rewriting the Scriptures
One of the oldest known version of the Gospels we read in Luke 21:34 reads:
“Now take care in your souls that you never make your hearts heavy by eating flesh and by drinking wine, and with the anxiety of the world, and that day come up upon you suddenly; for as a snare it will come upon all them that sit on the face of the land.”
Evangelion Da-Mepharreshe — Old Syriac-Aramaic Manuscript of the New Testament Gospels
Canon 14; Council of Ancyra, Galatia; 314 C.E. (Modern Ankara, Turkey)
It is decreed that among the clergy, presbyters, and deacons who abstain from flesh shall taste of it, and afterwards, if they shall so please, may abstain. But if they disdain it, and will not even eat herbs served with flesh, but disobey the canon, let them be removed from their order.
There are early traditions that identify the Essenes/Nasareans/Nazareans/Ebionites as non-flesh eaters—in accordance with the original diet stated in Genesis Chapter One.[3]I will deal with the false interpretations accosting the Apostle Sha’ul/Paul in Part Two. And, there still remained church leaders at the time of this edict, who denounced the eating of animal flesh as opposed to the original Biblical virtue. They taught also that flesh eating made one more susceptible to demonic oppression. The purpose of the above Canon 14 was to subjugate the remaining original Nazarean Vege-Fruitarians to the advancing Roman Catholic agenda—subjugating and unifying all other groups under its Papal governance, itself re-enforced by the Emperor Constantine’s Sword. They were attempting to remove the vestiges of Essenes-Nasareans-Nazareans-Ebionites-Ossayim.
Notice what Bishop Epiphanius in 375 A.D., states in his book, The Panarion, about the pre-Christian sect of the Nasareans, most of whom joined the Nazarean sect of the Ebionites.[4]It should be noted, that some of what Epiphanius states is not necessarily exact and is second hand knowledge. One will note his vitriol toward them. It was with such vitriolic smear campaigns that … Continue reading
1,1 Next I shall undertake to describe the sect…of the Nasareans. They are Jews by nationality, from Gileaditis, Bashanitis and the Transjordan as I have been told, but descendants of Israel himself. This sect practices Judaism in all respects…
The Panarion
(1,2) It too had been given circumcision [of the heart], and it kept the same Sabbath and observed the same festivals…
1,3 It also recognized as fathers the persons in the Pentateuch from Adam to Moses who were illustrious for the excellence of their piety—I mean Adam, Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Levi and Aaron, Moses and Joshua the son of Nun. However, it would not accept the Pentateuch itself. It acknowledged Moses and believed that he had received legislation, not this legislation though, they said, but some other. [We will explain the meaning of this statement in another article.]
(1,4) And so, though they were Jews who kept all the Jewish observances, they would not offer sacrifice or eat flesh; in their eyes it was unlawful to eat flesh or make sacrifices with it. They claimed that these books are forgeries and that none of these customs were instituted by the fathers.[5]They likely understood that the Aharonic Priesthood had out-maneuvered the original Mosaic-Levitical Priesthood, took over and edited the Scriptures—before, during, and after the Babylonian Exile … Continue reading [6]Among the Sons of Israel, according to The Book of Jubilees, the Tribe of Lewí was chosen as a priesthood: a consecrated order of public servants; specialists set apart to serve by … Continue reading
The 1st Century Jewish Historian, Josephus, described two groups of the Essenes:
(1) those who married and
(2) those who lived celibate in dedicated communities.
The First Century Alexandrian Jewish Philosopher, Philo, in two long and detailed sections, describes the Jewish Sect of the Essenes, aka, the Saints, living in Israel and Syria while sacrifices were still being offered at the Temple in Jerusalem. Notice that these were devoted to the service of God but “not sacrificing living animals”!!
But our Lawgiver [Moses] trained an innumerable body of his pupils to partake in those things [of Torah Wisdom], who are called Essenes [Healers and Saints], being, as I imagine, honoured with this appellation because of their exceeding holiness [saintliness]. And they dwell in many cities of Judaea, and in many villages, and in great and populous communities. They are above all men devoted to the service of God, not sacrificing living animals, but studying rather to preserve their own minds in a state of purity …. They cease from all other employments on the Sabbath. Attending the Synagogue, they read the Torah and experienced men also explain its enigmatic and allegorical elements, teaching and using …. a variety of definitions, and rules, and criteria, namely, the love of God, and the love of virtue, and the love of mankind.
The Works of Philo
Early Christians Abstained from Animal Flesh
In the Clementine Homilies 7.3, 7.4 and 7:7,[7]Epiphanius called them, “Ebionite” documents in his book, The Panarion. Kepha (Peter) preaches what Canon 14 above was attempting to eradicate. He expounded three sermons that describe the path of life and godliness. Let us first look at a portion of the third sermon, and then read the long version. (The abbreviated version is given in Acts 15:29 in the context of this. See also Rev 2:20, 3:20; 1 Cor 10:20.)
Kepha says that A Law was given concerning demonic activity (disembodied spirits):
that they will have no access or dominion over people “UNLESS any one, of his own accord, subjects himself to you [by],
[1] worshiping you, and sacrificing and pouring libations, and partaking of your table,
[2] or accomplishing anything else that they ought not,
[3] or shedding blood, [people or animal]
[4] or tasting dead flesh,
[5] or filling themselves with that which is torn of beasts, or that which is cut [butchered], or that which is strangled [in traps by hunters],
[6] or [doing] anything else that is unclean. [in regard to sexual relations.] ” brackets mine
Now for the longer version that sets the context. Kepha/Peter said,
Homilies 1.22 “May Elohim grant you in all things to be made like unto me, and having been baptized, to partake of the same table with me. ….
Homilies 7.3 For the demons would never have had power over you, had not you first supped with their prince. For thus from the beginning was a law laid down by Elohim, the Creator of all things, on each of the two princes, him of the right hand and him of the left, that neither should have power over any one whom they might desire to benefit or to hurt, unless first he had sat down at the same table with them. As, then, when you partook of flesh offered to idols, you became servants to the prince of evil.
In like manner, if you cease from these things, and flee for refuge to Elohim through the pleasant Prince of His right hand, honoring Him without sacrifices [of animals], by doing whatsoever He wills, know of a truth that not only will your bodies be healed, but your souls also will become healthy. For He only, destroying with His left hand, can quicken with His right; He only can both smite and raise the fallen.
Homilies 7.4 … So now, if you repent [reform], as I said, and submit to those things which are well-pleasing to Elohim, you may get new strength to your bodies, and recover your soul’s health. And the things which are well-pleasing to Elohim are these:
recognizing that He is the giver of all things,
and that he gives with discriminating law;
to pray to Him, to ask from Him—
to abstain from the table of demons,
not to taste dead flesh,
not to touch blood;
to be washed from all pollution;
and the rest in one word/precept,— as the God-fearing Jews have heard, hear you also, and be of one mind in many bodies; let each man be minded to do to his neighbor those pleasant things he desires for himself. And you may all find out what is pleasant, by holding some such conversation as the following with yourselves: You would not like to be murdered; do not murder another man: you would not like your wife to be seduced by another; do not you commit adultery: you would not like any of your things to be stolen from you; steal nothing from another. And so understanding by yourselves what is reasonable, and doing it, you will become dear to Elohim, and will obtain healing; otherwise in the life which now is your bodies will be tormented, and in that which is to come your souls will be punished.”
5 After Kepha had spent a few days in teaching them in this way, and in healing them, they were baptized.”
Clementine Homilies
Again, Kepha says in Clementine Homilies, Chapters, 7 and 8:
Homilies 7.7 “Knowing, then, these pleasant and evil deeds, I make known unto you, as it were, two paths…
Homilies 7.8 And this is the service Elohim has appointed: To worship Him only, and trust only in [Yeshúa] the Prophet of truth, and to be baptized for the remission of sins, and thus by this pure immersion to be born again unto Elohim by saving water;
to abstain from the table of devils, that is, from food offered to idols,
to abstain from dead carcasses,
[and] from animals which have been suffocated or caught by wild beasts,
and to abstain from blood–
not to live any longer impurely—to wash after intercourse–that the women on their part should keep the law of purification;
that all should be sober-minded, given to pleasant works, refraining from wrongdoing, looking for eternal life from the all-powerful Elohim, and asking with prayer and continual supplication that they may win it. Such was Kepha’s counsel to the men of Sidon also. And in few days many repented and believed, and were healed. And Kepha having founded an Assembly, and set over it as overseer one of the elders who were with him, left Sidon.
Homilies 8.15 [Concerning the Angel-mankind bastardized offspring Giants before the flood] Therefore Elohim knowing that they were barbarized to brutality, and that the [food of this] world was not sufficient to satisfy them …. and in order that that they might not because of a lack of food turn
to the eating of animals, contrary to nature,
… the Almighty rained manna upon them, suited to their various tastes; and they enjoyed all that they desired. “But they, on account of their bastard nature [angel and people], not being pleased with purity of food, they longed only after the taste of blood. Wherefore, they first tasted flesh.
Homilies 8:16 And the men who were with them there for the first time were eager to do the same. Thus, although we are born neither pleasant nor bad, we become one or the other; and having formed habits, we are with difficulty drawn away from them. But when irrational animals fell short [of satisfying them], these bastard men tasted also people flesh. For it was not a long step to the consumption of flesh like their own, having first tasted it in other forms.
[After the Flood, the disembodied spirits of the Giants were called Demons {See also, The Book of Jubilees}. And of those Demons left on the Earth whose desires would be to attach themselves to people,]
Homilies 8.18 … “were anticipated by a certain law. For a certain messenger was sent to them by Elohim, declaring to them His will, and saying:—
Homilies 8.19 ‘These things seem pleasant to the all-seeing Elohim,
that you lord over no man; that you trouble no one,
UNLESS any one of his own accord subjects himself to you,
{1} worshiping you, and sacrificing and pouring libations, and partaking of your table,
{2} or accomplishing anything else that they ought not,
{3} or shedding blood, [people or animal]
{4} or tasting dead flesh,
{5} or filling themselves with that which is torn of beasts, or that which is cut [butchered?], or that which is strangled [in traps by hunters?],
{6} or [doing] anything else that is unclean. [men and women should be abiding by the laws of purification—not having sexual relations during her menstrual cycle——and washing after sexual relations]
[The Angel continues addressing the Law to the Demons, God says,]
But those who betake themselves to MY law, you not only shall not touch, but shall also do honor to, and shall flee from, their presence. For whatsoever shall please them, being just, respecting you, that you shall be constrained to permit. But if any of those who worship ME go astray, either committing adultery, or practicing magic, or living impurely, or doing any other of the things which are not well-pleasing to ME, then they will have to suffer something at your hands or those of others, according to my order. But upon them, when they repent, I, judging of their repentance [reformation], whether it be worthy of pardon or not, shall give sentence. These things, therefore, you ought to remember and to do, well knowing that not even your thoughts shall be able to be concealed from Him.’ 20 Having charged them to this effect, the messenger departed. But you are still ignorant of this law, that every one who worships demons, or sacrifices to them, or partakes with them of their table, shall become subject to them and receive all punishment from them, as being under wicked masters. And you who, on account of ignorance of this law, have been corrupted beside their altars, and have been satisfied with food offered to them, have come under their power, and do not know how you have been in every way injured in respect of your bodies. But you ought to know that the demons have no power over any one, unless first he be their table-companion; since not even their chief can do anything contrary to the law imposed upon them by Elohim, why he has no power over any one who does not worship him;
Clementine Homilies
Common and Unclean
In the New Testament Book of Acts, Chapter 10, Kepha was given a vision in which he was commanded to “slay and eat” various animals, like pigs, which for Jews was detestable and even more so for Essene Vegans. Kepha objected to this command , declaring, “I have never eaten anything common or unclean.” The divine response was, “Do not call common what I have cleansed!” Analyzing Cornelius and his family, it is clear that it was Elohim that had already “slain” these proselytes with His Word, which is called, “the sword of the Spirit.” They had already undergone an authentic ‘circumcision’ of the heart – the slaying of their “common” (un-sanctified) and iniquitous animal nature! But Kepha was thinking too literally in the dream. The meaning of “slay and eat” was allegorical.[8]a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about people, life, or for a political or historical situation –Miriam Webster Dictionary It was not literally about slaying and eating animals at all. It was about the slaying of the obstinate nature within gentiles with “the sword of the Spirit” (the proclamation of the Message of truth). Gentiles who were alienated from Elohím and dwelling in spiritual darkness were to be turned into a pleasing aroma to Elohím. The end result of the vision and the related events as they are related in Acts, makes it clear that the dream was about modifying their restrictions for initiation and a level of table fellowship with those from the various nations outside of Israel.
Interpreting within the context of the Clementine Homilies, when Kepha said that he had never eaten anything “common or unclean”, he meant that (1) he had never eaten an un-sanctified meal in common with unreformed gentiles. He had never eaten outside the sacredness of their Jewish Essene restrictions; (2) Nor, had he ever eaten “unclean” animal flesh that even other fellow Jews did not eat. Their Essene Order, was viewed as either a higher order within Judaism (like Nazarites); or, by themselves as the original uncorrupted Order. For other Jewish sects, certain “clean” animals were permitted to be slaughtered (painlessly and gently bled out) for sacrifice and permitted for eating according to their Aharonic version of Torah-Law.[9]Notice what Yeshúa said: “In your law it is written…(Jn 8:17; 10:34).” Notice again concerning the Nasarean Essenes: “…though they were Jews who kept all the Jewish … Continue reading
The Didache: The Teaching of the Twelve
There is an ancient recovered document[10]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Didache called, The Didache, and it is effectively argued,[11]by the Anglican scholar, Alan Garrow, PhD; www.alangarrow.com that its’ earliest layer was part of the Apostolic Decree of Acts 15:29. The Didache describes The Two Paths: One Leading to Life and One Leading to Death. Kepha also speaks of The Two Paths, covered in his sermon’s in the Clementine Homilies described above. The Didache makes an important statement: “If you cannot keep the whole [Nazarean] law, do what you can.” (The Didache is covered in Part Three) This suggests that Kepha’s vision, and later the entire Jerusalem Council, softened the dietary requirements in order to give converts sufficient time to learn and adapt in accordance to their particular circumstances. For, some were hindered by their marriage to an unbeliever; some were in slavery, or in bondage to other hindrances. Some were being confused with conflicting testimony by other Jewish groups and Libertine Gnostics. These could not take on the “entire yoke” of the Torah. Even so, Sha’ul stated in accord with this,
“Were you called while being a slave? Don’t let that bother you;
1 Corinthians 7:21
However, if you get an opportunity to also become free, use it.”
This did not eliminate the requirements, but made room and gave hope for those in predicaments beyond their control. It was to be approached as a matter of gradual spiritual advancement, in accordance with an individuals’ circumstances. If you cannot keep the whole law [as interpreted and applied by the Nazareans], do what you can.” They remain in the status of Gerim in the outer court,
GHT 91:8. And again one said, “If there come to us any that eat flesh and drink strong drink, shall we receive them?” And Yeshúa said to him, “Let such abide in the outer court till they cleanse themselves from these grosser evils; for till they perceive, and repent of these, they are not fit to receive the higher mysteries.”
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve (GHT)
Speaking in terms of the Temple, non-Israelites were not allowed in the ‘inner court’ of Israel until they became full-fledged Israelites; Until then, they were Gerim, Initiates likened unto Immigrants with a green-card who are preparing for citizenship). They were morally upright-Gentiles, but were allowed only into the ‘outer court’ (Is 56:1-8). In this transitional place of grace, Gerim can experience the kindness and presence of Elohím while learning the ideal path and making gradual changes toward it as the opportunity arises. And this was the issue with Kepha (Peter) and the Gentile House of Cornelius (Acts 10 & 11), and in the Book of Galatians, wherein the Gerim had received the Ruach ha’Qodesh (the Holy Spirit) prior to taking on the “Whole Law” of the Essene-Ebionite-Nazareans as described in The Gospel of the Holy Twelve and the Homilies. In other words, to be baptized as Gerim Initiates, now further clarified in The Didache of the Apostolic Council, abbreviated as four requirements in Acts 15:29, basically giving the requirements of the broader Jewish world.[12]and these can actually be seen as interpreted out of the original Leviticus, Chapters 17 – 18. We will discuss this later
What about Sha’ul/Paul?
Did the Apostle Sha’ul permit eating flesh (clean or unclean) and consider a Vege-Fruitarian diet to be for “the weak” minded? Not at all. But that is how he has been interpreted and mistranslated. Does he contradict what we have observed above? Not at all!
↑1 | though some argue for and practice a pure Fruitarian diet |
↑2 | When one comes to terms with the issues and is learning how to live this way, there are “myths” to be aware of, including those concerning Protein and B12 deficiencies. The study of Naturopathy (https://morses.tv/library/ : https://drmorses.com/) should be pursued. Dairy, Eggs, and dead flesh/meat, are acidic in the body and also more difficult to digest. Due to long term pollution and corruption of the body, even if just for health reasons, it is advisable to remove these in order to detox and thoroughly reset the Blood and Lymphatic systems. |
↑3 | I will deal with the false interpretations accosting the Apostle Sha’ul/Paul in Part Two. |
↑4 | It should be noted, that some of what Epiphanius states is not necessarily exact and is second hand knowledge. One will note his vitriol toward them. It was with such vitriolic smear campaigns that these groups were persecuted, hunted down and murdered in Nazi-like fashion by the Roman army and their conspirators. Statements by other historians places the Essenes Nasareans Nazareans Ebionites in close proximity, under the Jerusalem leadership, under Ya’aqov the brother of Yeshua (James the Just and The Desposyni). Epiphanius is an enemy of these groups. He has his own “spin” and speaks of the murderous Constantine as, “the Emperor Constantine of blessed memory.” Epiphanius uses the Old and New Testaments to contradict these groups. Although this is circular reasoning, since these groups believed that these had been corrupted! Nevertheless, he has done us a service in helping to preserve these records. |
↑5 | They likely understood that the Aharonic Priesthood had out-maneuvered the original Mosaic-Levitical Priesthood, took over and edited the Scriptures—before, during, and after the Babylonian Exile as many modern scholars also believe. They were likely part of the Essenes. The Nazareans (Nasareans Essenes Ebionites Ossayim), taught, that one should use discernment with the canonical scriptures. As stated in The Homilies, one quotation of “Our Master” reads:
“Be ye prudent money-changers in as much as there are some true sayings and some spurious.’ And to those who err by reason of the false [verses in the] scriptures, he fitly showed the cause of their error, saying, ‘You therefore err, not knowing the true things of the Scriptures; for this reason you are ignorant also of the power of God.” This topic will be taken up in another article. |
↑6 | Among the Sons of Israel, according to The Book of Jubilees, the Tribe of Lewí was chosen as a priesthood: a consecrated order of public servants; specialists set apart to serve by maintaining scrolls, to preserve and teach the way of godliness, equipping the consecrated Nation and thence, elevating all of mankind into true holiness. Some believe that—Vege-Fruitarianism was their Law, but, that the priesthood was corrupted [in Egypt or Canaan, or during Assyrian and Babylonian Exiles] by adopting gentile practices, such as, slaughtering animals, eating them, and offering them on their altars for the appeasement and favor of God, as did the idolatrous nations; And, that the Scriptures were redacted to legitimize and sanctify their practices, as well as, to elevate and centralize their own authority and power over those who resisted their changes. Others reject such a scenario, explaining rather, that such a system was reluctantly permitted and governed by God who limited it with an eye toward its total elimination. In that scenario, it could be said that certain things were permitted “because of the hardness of” their hearts—but, “from the beginning [of creation] it was not so [intended]” to be the norm. But, rather, we should “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.” In either case, this seems to necessitate that we should take the higher and more original path ordained for mankind, including a Vege-Fruitarian diet. In either scenario, animal sacrifice lasted only until Mashíakh with his covenantal reformation and was thereby eliminated. A (lost) Hebrew Gospel quotes Y’Shúa as saying, “I have come to abolish the sacrifices, and if you cease not from sacrificing, my wrath will not cease from you.” “That Generation” who rejected Yeshúa‘s reformation ended with great tribulation and the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. Let us therefore, now, not desire a return to that former world, but rather, let us offer a pure New Covenant Oblation with incense (Mal. 1:11), with thank-offerings of consecrated bread and fruit of the vine; symbolizing the offering up of sweet aromas of prayer and supplication with praise and thanksgiving, waters of repentance and the oil of love and good works. And: Let us “walk in love, even as Mashíakh also loved us, and gave himself for us, [like] a qorbán and a sacrifice [of love] to Elohím for a sweet-smelling fragrance.” Jub 2:22, 27; 4:25; 6:3-4; 30:18; Gen 1:1, 29; Murmuring: Ex 16:2-3; Nm 11:4, 13, 33; Jer 7:22; Hosea 6:6; Amos 5:25; Mk 12:33; Mt 12:7; 19:4; Jn 4:20-24; Eph 5:1; Heb 9:10; 10:1-10. |
↑7 | Epiphanius called them, “Ebionite” documents in his book, The Panarion. |
↑8 | a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about people, life, or for a political or historical situation –Miriam Webster Dictionary |
↑9 | Notice what Yeshúa said: “In your law it is written…(Jn 8:17; 10:34).” Notice again concerning the Nasarean Essenes: “…though they were Jews who kept all the Jewish observances, they would not offer sacrifice or eat flesh; in their eyes it was unlawful to eat flesh or make sacrifices with it. They claimed that these [edited] books are forgeries and that none of these customs were [originally] instituted by the fathers.” The Aharonic priests had subverted the Original Vegan Levitical Priesthood by inserting certain teachings into the Original Torah of Moses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priestly_source#cite_ref-33. According to the Clementine Homilies and Recognitions, we must discern the true from the false in the Scriptures. See also notes 4 & 5. |
↑10 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Didache |
↑11 | by the Anglican scholar, Alan Garrow, PhD; www.alangarrow.com |
↑12 | and these can actually be seen as interpreted out of the original Leviticus, Chapters 17 – 18. We will discuss this later |