The Scriptures and The Everlasting Covenant


What does Yahweh desire from us? A different take on things! 

The prophet Hosea reasoned with Israel saying:
Hosea 6:1 “Come, let us a return to Yahwéh…

Yahwéh is the covenantal El {=God} of Isra’el. [1]
Yahwéh … set his love upon you and chose you… he is the faithful El … keeping covenant and kindness” Dt. 7:6-9
Obviously, they had left Yahwéh and were so delusional they did not even know it!
—to return to is the root of repentance: to change the mind and direction—
to return to the Covenanted/Contracted of love with Yahwéh. Hosea said, that when they do so,

“He will heal us…He will bandage us…He will restore us…”
—then Yahwéh by inspiration spoke through Hosea to his straying people in Israel saying—
7 “For I desire loyal love [from you] and not [bloody animal] sacrifice; and [for you to attain] knowledge of
Elohiym [God] rather than [offering] burnt offerings [of animal flesh and blood from a stone altar].
But like Adam [and Eve in the beginning,] they [Israel] transgressed the Covenant;
there they dealt deceitfully with me... 9b the priests band together to murder on the way to Shechem.”
By crime, infidelity, and unfaithfulness, Israel is defiled. They are deceived into thinking that is all okay as long as they send up the smoke of burning flesh into the heavens as a sacrifice, all is well!!
The Supreme One reminds them about what he does and does not desire!!

Take note of what the Eternal Creator desires? Loyal steadfast love and faithfulness.
His very being is foundational to his creation. His attributes and moral character traits do not change. However, he will alter his plans toward people when they change their heart and actions toward him. He will respond to us.
The word “Covenant” is not used in the Bible until it is confirmed with Noah and the Animals, and is called, The Everlasting Covenant, long after Adam’s death, “What Covenant did Adam transgress?”

What is implicit in the Prophet Hosea’s words is that:

Adam and Eve, transgressed the original Covenant by violating the Spoken-Words of The Creator (Gen. 1 ; John 1:1). The very words that set in motion our environment and existence laid the foundational instructions of natural law that we were to live by—stated both explicitly and implicitly (Gen 1:1 – 2:3; 2:4 – 3:24; 9:16; Isaiah 24:5; 6). Even by what we were to eat, the covenantal agreement was made and was symbolized by the fruit of trees — they were told to eat from every tree in the Garden and by doing so, they would have Life and Good; but, do not eat from one particular tree, for it will bring about Death and Evil, they transgressed by eating the one that brought Death and Bad (Evil) for the world. They disobeyed the Covenant.

The text of Genesis 6:11 describes the progression of matters after Adam transgressed:

11 “And the earth was corrupt before Elohiym (God), and the earth was filled with violence. 12 And Elohiym looked [in review] upon the earth and saw that it was corrupt – for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.” Gen. 6:11-12

Virtually all flesh – mankind and animals corrupted themselves from the original good-order of the Creator. In violence, they began to kill and eat one another and in a distorted mindset attempted to appease and obtain favor from “God(s)” with animal and human blood. Yeshua was sent to repair and restore.

GHT 51:1 THEN Yeshúa said to those Judæans that trusted in him, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

Reflecting a different take on the prophets we read…

33:6 “And what does The Eternal command you but to do justice, love mercy,
and walk humbly with your Elohím? [Micah 6:6-8]
Is it not written that in the beginning Elohím ordained the fruits of the trees and the seeds and the herbs to be food for all flesh? 7 But they have made the House of Prayer ‘a den of thieves’ [Jer 7:11], and for the pure Oblation with Incense, they have polluted my altars with blood, and eaten of the flesh of the slain. 8. But I say to you, shed no innocent blood nor eat ye flesh. Walk uprightly, love mercy, and do justly, and your days shall be long in the land.
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve (GHT) 51:1 ; 33:6-8

According to these texts and others, though new realities were set in motion by peoples’ transgressions, there was no rescission of The Word of The Everlasting Covenant–meaning, there was no alteration of Yahweh’s desires! But corruption ensued and matters were confused. According to ancient testimonies, deviant priesthoods arose who sought to appease the gods with bloody animal sacrifices. Even in Israel, the Aharonic priesthood strayed into this practice. They altered their texts, to normalize such corrupt ideology and behavior. But, the truth is still present to perceive if we can get past the control narratives we inherited. We have reconstructed and returned several to their harmonious and coherent continuity with the original instructions of Genesis One.



The Everlasting Covenant


  1. El, Eloah, Elohim, were Semitic and Mesopotamian names maintained in the area after the Tower of Babel and the confusion of the languages—even as ‘God’ was a European name for the heavenly supernatural Being(s). Jacob was renamed, Yi-s’ra-El in a divine encounter and means, “he will rule with El/God”. ↩︎
  2. The Documentary and Supplementary Hypothesis’ of the Construction of the Hebrew Tanakh or Old Testament. Richard Elliott Friedman, PhD, is a good place to begin in, Who Wrote The Bible? and, The Bible with Sources Revealed; and then, Dr. Tzemah Yoreh, Why Abraham Murdered Isaac. And, I have my own views within this website! However, not many have the time for such research. ↩︎

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