In The Beginning Was the Word

Translating and Interpreting
the Book of John: Chapter 1:1 – 5

By: Tracy-Phillip: Osborne © 2017


John 1:1-5: Primary Prologue
The word was the purpose and plan


1 In Greek, here, and in verse two, the presence of the definite article, The God. Sandwiched in between them is simply, Godwithout a definite article. In context, the clear contrast indicates that the noun is being used as an adjective, Godly, Divine, Supernal.
2 The word was Divine, for it proceeded out of the mind of the-God]. The word proceeds from the mind of The-God, The One and Only Source of All; And thus, “the word” is of divine origin—out of the mind of The-God. The spoken-word is the expression of his eternal purpose in the universe along with his plans for implementing and accomplishing that purpose. Stretched out “before” God’s imagination, were his plans for all of history! Central to those plans was humanityMessiah & Family.
3 πρὸς is a strengthened form of πρὸ = before, as in before the face of, or, in the sight of. This verse normally translated as “with God”. But, the normal word for with is, μετά – meta. More on this later.
4 Again the definite article!
5 Verse 2 is a redundancy of verse 1, and unnecessary unless it speaks of a beginning distinct from verse 1. For, otherwise, verse 2 could be skipped and nothing is gained or lost!
6 See the fuller account this in The Gospel of the Holy Twelve Chapter 46