Tracy Phillip Osborne© and Denise Julia Osborne©, aka,
Yo’el Ben Abraham© and Rivkah Bat Dorit© [ 1 ]
I was first ordained as a Minister of the Gospel in 1981. I received a Bachelors Degree in Biblical Theology in 1999 and a Masters Degree in Judaic-Christian Studies in 2013. I was working toward a Doctorate and Nazarean Jewish Rabbinic Ordination when I was led to change my steps in 2016. I have continued in research and teaching, discovering the original Hebraic Israelite Essene Nazorean orientation of Biblical documents — seeking to separate the “wheat from the chaff” and the “tares from the wheat”.
My Mission, is to walk with Yahwéh my Elohiym (God) and my Lord Y’Shúa his Messiah (Daniel 9:25)
in The-Way of righteousness & holiness as a maturing son and a Minister who teaches and demonstrates it.
Rev. 14:12 Here is the endurance of the consecrated-set-apart ones (the Qedoshim); here are those guarding the commandments of Elohiym
[the Netsarim] and the faithfulness of Y’Shúa ha’Mashiakh (The Netsar, aka, Jesus the Christ)…
Rev. 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman [the elect of Israel], and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed,
those [Netsarian Qedoshim] guarding the commands of Elohiym and possessing the witness of Y’Shua [the salvation of Yahweh]. Rev. 22:14 “Blessed are those doing his commandments,2 so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life
and to enter through the gates into the city [of New Jerusalem in the Heavens].”
The infinite and eternal Being, known in the Scriptures by the name, Yahweh, and El-elyon, El-shaddai, the Elohiym (God) of Israel, whose spirit is with all that he created—he governs it, but he is separate from it! Out of love and goodness manifesting as the Father-Mother of all, we were brought forth as sons and daughters. We are either obedient or disobedient children, either reconciled or unreconciled, mature or immature reconciled children. We are born into a fallen human race with a tendency to sin against Elohiym. We need forgiveness and reconciliation. We are offered the eternal bliss of eternal Life or eternal death. It is not Yahweh’s desire that any should eternally perish but that all find reconciliation through faith and repentance. Y’Shua is the unique Son sent as an Emissary into our reality and a fiduciary agent to make this possible. The Apostle and Prophet quoted Y’Shua’s own prayer,
1 When Y’Shua had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, “[Holy] Father, the hour has come; glorify your [unique] Son that the Son may glorify you, 2 since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give everlasting life to all whom you have given him. 3 And this is everlasting life, that they know you—the only true God, and Y’Shua the Messiah whom you have sent [from Heaven]. 4 I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.
5 And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed. John 17:1-5
Y’Shúa was “the beginning of the creation of Elohiym”—the first begotten son among all His sons (Rev. 3:14; Job 38:4-7; Jub. 2:1-3), who were begotten before the foundation of the Earth was laid; his special destiny was to eventually incarnate into a family of Israel and be made a man, (Daniel 9:25) the Davidic son of Joseph and Miriam. He was and is the unique Son, the Firstborn Son sent from Heaven to establish a New Covenant with the faithful of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (Jeremiah 31:31; Hebrews 8:8) and proselytes from among all nations. He did so by his words and deeds, his death, resurrection, and ascension back into the Heavens. His first followers were called in the Hebrew tongue, Netsarim and Qedoshim (saints, holy ones) after Y’Shua of Natzareth (The Netsar of Isaiah 11:1-5), and later they were called in Greek, Christians. Though he and his full-gospel have been obscured for a time by erroneous ideas, he remains the central figure of history who was promised and foretold to come by the the prophets of Israel. He came to set in motion and complete the dismantling of the works of darkness perpetuated in the world, one soul at a time. He is called, the Word of Elohiym and will come again to destroy the destroyers and restore the world to truth and peace. (Rev. 19:11)
I have had degrees, ordinations, associations, and appreciations over the years as a Musician and Worship Leader, Minister, Pastor, and Paqid. I appreciate all of my past friends, leaders, and teachers–from whom I learned important things and whom I consider my family; But I am not stuck in any past paradigms or theological “boxes”; as an eclectic, I attempt to be like a grazing cow eating the grass and chewing the cud, but spitting out the sticks and rocks mixed in with the grass! But, it can take a while, even a lifetime, to sort out indoctrinations and presuppositions one has inherited or adopted.
One of the songs that I wrote in 1980 says,
I’m not the same as I used to be; I’m a new man created for victory;
all my failures are left behind–shadows of the past put out of my mind;
My Redeemer came to me and said, walk with me through eternity,
’cause I gave my life for you! ©
That truth holds as true today as it did then! Learning, growing, and fine-tuning create the opportunity for paradigm shifts; When formerly unknown evidence comes into view, or I am divinely visited, I pray that, as in the past, I will be willing to change my situation and orientation regardless of what others think or say about it; But, at the same time, maintaining love and humility and thankfulness for all the wonderful relationships that have brought my own soul further down the road toward perfection; we are connected as one family and are each at a particular place in our long journey. Don’t stop progressing!
“Be ye perfect even as your Parent in the Heavens is perfect.” GHT 25:18 The Sermon on the Mount
Shalom Aleichem! Peace to you!
Job 1:1 There was a man in the land of Utz [in the days of the Patriarchs], whose name was Job/Iyov; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that reverenced Elohiym and turned away from evil.
Like you, I am a living-being dwelling within a body with a particular DNA and personality — until my body dies; then, I will exit this body and be escorted by the righteous and holy messengers into the Heavens and before its’ courts. I will undergo a debriefing and evaluation, take a heavenly rest and this particular DNA and personality will dissolve and its’ lessons will be integrated within my true self. I will then be given my next assignment; This process repeats until we are clothed with a glorified and incorruptible spiritual-body. Reincarnation/Gilgul was not explicitly spelled out in the “canonized” Bible narrative, though there are hints of it there. This knowledge was kept for maturing students and orally passed down to them until they became Masters of it; but eventually it became widespread knowledge. Noah, as a Master, brought it with him out of the Ark after the Flood.
From my initial creation within my first Adamic body, and in all subsequent bodily incarnations and lives since then, I (and you) inherited the Everlasting Covenant of Genesis Chapter One and Two; but, with limited exceptions, we have no memories of those lives, for our focus is supposed to be on maturing in the present life in accord with the righteous instructions of our Creator. (Though there are legitimate claims in these matters, there are also many deceivers making false claims and spreading false doctrines as they claim to be channeling spirits of individuals from the past or from other “star systems”, “planets” and “galaxies”.)
On Day-One of Creation, Elohiym (The One – The Father-Mother of all) created “the spirits of all his creatures in the heavens and the earth” (Jubilees 2). On Day-Six, Elohiym formed the adult bodies of the initial Adamite couples and began breathing those spirits that He-She had created, into those bodies. Each “Adam and Eve” couple became a “nefesh-chai” — a living soul-being, and developed a unique personality.
After this initial creation, they and we their bodily descendants, were begotten again through normal conception. (There are older and younger “souls” of those who first incarnated.) Our spirit-soul developed simultaneously within our body in our first incarnation as a man or woman. Dying and Death, was an abnormal occurrence that entered into our experience. At death, we, the spirit-soul-being, exits the body and eventually re-incarnates into a newly conceived body. Since our first time, we have been conceived and “born-again” many times (GHT; The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, Chapter 37). Mysteriously, we are united with a new zygote and enter the body in the womb at some point. We are endowed from this new beginning by our Creator with unalienable rights and responsibilities, and we are helped or hindered toward perfection by a new set of parents, guardians, inheritances, and environments. He/She “that overcomes, shall inherit all things; and I will be his Elohiym, and he shall be my son.”
As a studious Charismatic Christian Minister for years, I eventually connected with a version of “Hebrew Roots” and Judaism. I continued to learn and experience the presence of the Supernal One.
I studied under a Nazarean Jewish Rabbi for about 7-years (who named me, Yo’el Ben Abraham; He claimed to function under the authority of the late Israeli Chief Rabbi, Ovadiah Yosef). I was ordained as a Paqid (1 Tim 3:1) in one of his congregations. I led prayers there for several years. But under divine guidance, I resigned in 2016 in peace and have had no association with its leadership since. I do not hold “orthodox” Jewish or “orthodox” Christian views, except for the parts that I think align with the truth that they both adopted from the original Israelite Hebrews. I understand them both but conclude that both are hybrid mixtures of truth and error.
I eat the original kosher diet — the non-flesh and blood diet; The plant-based diet of Genesis 1-3 — and I believe that this is the perfect will of the Creator for all and it is proven on this website. The bloody-butchering-rites of animal sacrifice and the genitalia mutilation called, “circumcision”, are heathen rites adopted and inserted into the Scriptures by a deviant Aharonic priesthood after the passing of Joshua, Eliezer, and the Elders (Judges 2:10-23). The School of the Prophets preserved the truth while opposing the Deviants who last edited the Scriptures (“tares among the wheat”). We must discern between the two. This is what I hope to help with on this website.
“The Gospel of the Holy Twelve” (GHT) is or may be the fullest Gospel in which Yeshúa confirmed the Everlasting Covenant throughout it and especially on the Mount of Transfiguration (Chapter 46). I discovered it in 2017 and I hope to publish my edition of it with commentary. You will find it in the Tab: The Original Gospel. The other Gospels are offshoots of it, having familiar information but also editorial additions and subtractions.
I, Tracy Phillip Osborne© declare the truth and refute any and all false presumptions: that I am a living-soul dwelling in my body as a living-man with God-given “unalienable rights” and that I am not a fictional corporate ALL CAPS NAME created as a strawman by the territorial “United States” federal government and the municipal “UNITED STATES” government nor the individual incorporated “States of” and “STATES OF” organizations nor any of their franchisees, agencies, organizations, and corporations acting in accord with them or on their behalf;
And that, those “unalienable rights” are given me by the Creator of All things and are not permissions created, to be applied for, granted, and licensed by governments—whether they be state or federal, secular or religious;
And, thus, in this lifetime, from the time of my conception, I am one of the people—a free Inhabitant of America, now also known by various appellations: an American National, an American State National, a Union State National, or a state citizen. I was born on the nation-state of Georgia—one of the 50 nation-states of the Union that was confederated as The United States of America. I am neither a military, territorial, or a municipal citizen/Citizen of Washington, D.C., formerly known as the District of Columbia and also known as, “United States” and “UNITED STATES”; I am not one of its’ officers, agents, or employees; And thus, I am not a federal “taxpayer” thereof; I am not a “citizen or resident of the United States”, which in the IRS Code Title 26 is a “citizen or resident of the” District of Columbia;
And that, the “United States” was hired originally as an employee with fiduciary responsibilities, owing to us, the people, limited enumerated governmental services; I have never knowingly waived those unalienable rights nor my political status through any implied or adhesive contract, though forced by an imposed ignorance and functional and practical necessity to go along with its’ unlawful and imposed legal-policies;
And that, a presumed and undisclosed contract is fraudulent, and fraud vitiates all as unlawful and illegitimate ab initio; and as various sophisticated frauds have been erected and worked against mankind religiously and politically throughout world history; and whereas I have uncovered many of them, I have renounced them all, along with all soul-ties that were not appointed by the one and only Creator, and I have reclaimed my inherited “unalienable rights”. I now continue through the process of unraveling those deceptive contracts that I may have mistakenly made in such ignorance.
- We are free Inhabitants of America, aka, American civilians, aka, American State Nationals/Citizens, aka, natives/nationals of the state where we were born (Georgia & Michigan), which are “states of the Union”; but we are “Without the United States” – meaning we are outside of the federal District of Columbia jurisdiction with its districts & territories, and, we are without the “UNITED STATES” and their incorporated franchises and agencies. We are not their officers, employees, or dependents; we are neither a “citizen or resident of the “United States” (District of Columbia or Washington, DC) who are the only ones required to pay Federal Income Taxes according to their Internal Revenue Code. We are not a territorial U.S. citizen nor a municipal “citizen of the United States/UNITED STATES. In their Code, we are “nonresident aliens” because we are state citizens and not federal citizens. Thus it is with all Americans born in one of the states of the Union. The nondisclosure and deception in regard to these matters is worth the “Rabbit Hole” of thorough investigation! ↩︎
- This passage was quoted in these words by Tertulian. ↩︎