The Documentary & Supplemental Hypothesis’

Dr. Tsemach Yoreh’s hypothesis3 about ‘who wrote the Torah’
as presented in the Open Siddur Project with each layer color coded.4

The Tetrateuch – Genesis thru Numbers

Deuteronomy / Devarim

Richard Elliott Friedman’s color-code in his book,
The Bible With Sources Revealed, page 32.

  1. I am not aware of the availability of his color-code on the internet which is in his book, The Bible With Sources Revealed. ↩︎
  2. And, I have additional criteria within the J-E-P-D paradigm for determining the original texts believing other ancient testimonies. The Hebrew-Israelites were Vege-Fruitarians. They did not butcher and consume animals and considered such to be abominable practices. The Levites were P1—the original priesthood established in Jacob’s son, Levi. This was a non-animal sacrificing priesthood (P1). But, a deviant paganized sacrificial priesthood cult arose P2 and split off from P1 (or LP, Levite Priests) after the time of Joshua and the Elders. Their progeny were the final redactors of a Tetrateuchal-Torah and then the Pentateuch Torah & Tanakh (P2 & H). The Prophets from Samuel and David forward were Restorationists opposed to the renovations of the sacrificial cult. ↩︎
  3. Dr. Tsemach Yoreh’s website:   ; ↩︎
  4. As always, it should be noted that the quoting or use of an author is not necessarily an an endorsement of all that they teach. We are eclectic as we approach the interpretation of biblical history. Our views become refined by comparing points of view. Sometimes we find the truth is somewhere in the midst of opposing views. I do not hold absolutely to either Richard Friedman’s nor Tsemach Yoreh’s views nor their exact color codes. I think that the truth is somewhere in the middle. There were whole documents included in the creation of the Tanakh and that the first Narrative (whether J or E) went through stages of supplementation. We’ll likely be comparing and examining them until the end. I have additional elements in my opinions concerning these things, as is reflected in the whole of my website, such as: The Hebrew-Israelites were originally Vege-Fruitarians and animal sacrifice and consumption was considered an abomination. The latter Priestly/Holiness codes were deviant insertions. As we note in this website, there were Israelite groups that held these views. ↩︎
  5. Dr. Yoreh states on his website: “I would like to thank my teachers Israel Knohl, Baruch Schwartz, Alexander Rofe and many others for shaping the way I think about Biblical writing.” We note that his Supplementary Hypothesis should not be confused with that of others, such as, Dr. John Van Seters. ↩︎
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